Chapter 8.1: To Each Their Vows

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A day after the end of phase one, the remaining participants were called down to the lobby where we gathered around Ivan. He was standing in front of the main desk, patiently waiting with his hands behind his back while counting us with his tail.

   "It looks like everyone is here." He cleared his throat. "Again, I would like to congratulate all forty-two of you for passing the first phase of this year's exam. Especially since we had to add a preliminary phase as there were too many of you. If this was any other year, all of you would be on your way to the final phase, but unfortunately, we are still in phase two. However, I don't doubt that you have the abilities to progress."

   One of the staff workers rolled in a chalkboard. Ivan picked up a piece of chalk with his tail and wrote down: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

   "I can't tell you what will happen on phase two of the exam, but I can say that it's a mental test. Today is a Sunday and the day of the examination will fall on any of the five proceeding days."

   Thaddeus raised a hand. "That's a bit vague. What day specifically?"

   Ivan shrugged. "Telling you would miss the entire point of this phase. This is a mental test after all. The test can take place as soon as tomorrow or as late as Friday. I will give you this one clue: you will all be very shocked when that day comes. Any other questions?"

   We all looked around to see if anyone had any. No one did.

   "Seeing as there are no more questions, I'll leave you all to that. Good luck and I'll see you all on X-day."

   One of Gluttony's portals appeared beneath Ivan. He didn't even move a muscle as it swallowed him up.

   From my understanding, phase two will start tomorrow but the actual test itself can happen on any of the five listed days. I don't think there's a set time as well so there was a chance the test could start in the middle of the night.

   The fact that we were expecting something but didn't know when it would occur would eat away at our minds. As far as we were concerned, the mental test started the moment Ivan disappeared.

   During lunch, Thaddeus kept scribbling on a scrap piece of paper. He slammed it down after a while and exclaimed, "I figured out what day the test will be held! That sneaky chameleon thought he can trick us? I don't understand logic so I see right through his."

   "That doesn't make any sense," Erina scoffed.

   Thaddeus, Erina, and I continued to sit together at the same table as the Bad Attitude members. None of us had to be in teams anymore, but I guess we found each other's company comforting.

   Thaddeus' announcement prompted all the other participants to abandon their tables and gather around ours. Asher was the only one who remained in his seat, drinking his ale while watching us from afar.

   "You attracted a rather large audience here," Roswaal giggled. "I hope what you're saying isn't a joke."

   "It's not. I actually think I have this whole system figured out."

   Erina shook her head in annoyance. "And instead of keeping it to yourself to use as an advantage, you blurted it out loud."

   "Is everyone listening?" He paused to make sure everyone could hear. "This whole thing is a trick. There is going to be a test, but not during the upcoming five days. It'll be held next week."

Rebellion: Prince of Dawnजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें