Goosefat stood and carefully approached his friend.



Bedevere growled out.

"She will not die."

Bedevere said firmly at his friend.

A flash of pain cut through Goosefat's usually stoic features.

"We were supposed to protect her from it!"

Bedevere yelled at his friend.

"We swore-"

"What do we do then?"

Goosefat asked, his eyes wild.

"How do we save her?"

"You send me."

Arthur's voice cut through the room.

He had been silent since Mischief John had left.

His mind had been reeling, his heart beating in an unsteady rhythm.

There had been a panicked fog that had clouded his mind but the moment Bedevere had mentioned Renly's death it had all become crystal clear.

"We exchange the sword for Blue, then I will join it."

He directed his words towards Margot who perked up slightly.

A plan was forming.


Goosefat began but at the deadly glare he received from the true-born king he decided it was best to shut his mouth.

"If we can somehow get the upper hand inside, I might be able to get to the sword and fight from within the palace."

And save Renly.

"Can you handle that?"

He asked the Mage girl.

"I can do that."

She confirmed.

Renly was sat in the throne room.

Her hands and feet were shackled and her mind was spinning.

She had stopped spitting out blood and her balance had returned slightly but she had not yet fully recovered from the blow to her head that had incapacitated her.

The stab wound in her shoulder had been patched up, the king had not wanted her to die just yet.

Speaking of the king, he had been walking around the throne room rambling and eating, celebrating his defeat of Arthur Pendragon.

Far too early in Renly's opinion.

It almost made her laugh, the arrogance of the pretender king.

"You see, I was quite impressed when I learned of your resume, my dear Renly."

He spoke in a condescending voice as he approached her. Had her chains not been chained to the floor the girl would have killed him hours ago.

She was standing calmly, trying not to sway. Her head was held high and her eyes were lit with a murderous fire.

She still did not know where Blue was and it terrified her.

She had not yet let her mind linger on the dead they had left behind in the caves.

She could mourn the dead when she was safe, or dead herself.

"Quite a lot of trouble you've stirred up during your lifetime."

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