| CHAPTER 62 |

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"Hwan wanted some treats" Hyung deliberately entered my room with Hwan giggling more loudly...

"Then why are in my room-"

"What's up?" Hyung sat across me cutting my head with Hwan in his lap

"Hyung why are in my room-"

"Why are you so tensed?" He raised his eyebrows but his hands were still rubbing Hwan's stomach...

"Hyung why-"

"Why are you so dressed?!" 

'So, Hyung doesn't want to get out from my room....'

"I'm going to a club" I blurted out and watched his expressions keenly...

 Kim Seok-Hwan possessed a unique talent for mimicry.

As Hyung fell into an unusual silence, his usually animated features transformed into a serious demeanor. Hwan, following suit, mirrored his father's seriousness.

However, in the blink of an eye...

"With who~" Hyung raised his eyebrows playfully while still rubbing Hwan's stomach.

If I could see my own expression, I was certain my mouth had dropped open. The speed at which this man could change his expressions was astonishing.

"Alone?" I replied truthfully. I was indeed going solo, my sole purpose being that Go-pro.

Suddenly, Hyung's face underwent a complete transformation, and it appeared to be... pity?

What's up with Hyung today?

"Oh...No, No My baby brother doesn't have someone to go with him..." Hyung gently placed his now drowsy son on my bed and came closer 

"I will go with you" he spoke with a determination 


"No!" I shouted in extreme panic 


"Uh...I want to enjoy.... alone..." I reasoned 

His eyebrows raised and dropped again, like he understood something 

We Met Again ~ KNJ FFHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin