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I was tossing and turning in my bed, unable to fully wake up.


I see a dark room with what looks like an altar in the center. I see a burned and charred person screaming in agony as they’re brought to the altar. The screams sound familiar. A group of people in hooded black robes approached the person on the altar. One was chanting as he poured something red and thick over the charred person’s body. Suddenly one had a knife in their hand and stabbed them in the chest.


I screamed, finally waking up from my dreams. I grab at my head, crying and shaking badly. My parents run to my room along with Lydia.

“Erika, what’s wrong, honey?” My mother asked me. I was crying too hard to respond. She embraces me and I keep crying, not being able to communicate what was wrong. My mother holds me and strokes my back.

“I don’t know but it was horrible…” I started, my voice coming off as a lot whinier than I would have liked for it to be. “It was so scary and-” I continued to sob.

“Maybe you need therapy, Erika.” Lydia suggested. “You have been through some shit back to back. It might help.”

“You think so?” I ask her. She nods. My dad sits next to me. “You know you can talk to us about anything, right?”

“I know, I just don’t want to burden you with all of my problems.” I try to laugh but it sounds very fake, even to me.

“You wouldn’t burden us, Erika. We’re your family and we’re here for you.” My mom soothes my back.

“I know, it’s just been so freaking awful.” I start to cry again.

“I know, sweetie, I know.” My mom spoke to me. “I wish I could make your pain go away.”

I didn't say anything but I nodded. I see Miranda and Jodi walking up.

“What’s wrong? I heard a scream and it sounded like a stampede to Erika’s room.” Miranda was rubbing her eyes.

“Erika had a nightmare.” Lydia had her arms crossed. “Go back to sleep, Mira. Mom and Dad got this.”

“I’ll talk to you in the morning if you’re up to it.” Miranda tells me. I nodded. She goes back to bed. Jodi looks at me.

“I’m buying you a Mazahua doll.” She spoke. “But I hope you have better dreams, Erika.”

My parents left a bit after and I was able to sleep, but it was dreamless. I think that was better. I fully wake up and go to the bathroom to shower. I stare at my shampoo bottles, feeling a bit annoyed that I no longer had much hair to use them with. Granted, I still was but my hair was barely growing back.

This mission had destroyed me in more ways than one. I no longer felt like myself. Granted, I had changed when the aliens kidnapped my parents and tried to kill me repeatedly but I had pushed through. This time, I didn’t have that same conviction to move on after losing two people I loved the most.

I got out of the shower and dried myself then got dressed in a t-shirt and leggings. My phone started to ring and I saw the Caller ID. It was Jackson.

“Hello?” I ask as I leave the room.

“Hey, Erika. Did I catch you at a good time?”

“You did. What’s up?”

“We’ve been discussing something with Alberto at HQ. He wanted your opinion on it and what not. Do you think you could be here by ten?”

“I guess. I’m going to need a venti white chocolate iced mocha.” I was joking.

“Well, you better go get it. We don’t need Alberto taking a forever nap while we’re waiting for you.”

I chuckled. “Fine, I’ll go get it if you insist.”

I changed to a sweater and jeans with my flats. I rush to the kitchen where my mother is cooking eggs in salsa and making fresh flour tortillas.

“Hey, Erika, quieres un taco?” My mother asked.

“Sure, why not?” It was only eight thirty a.m. and the HQ was five minutes away. I sat down next to Dad and Jodi who were sharing an avocado.
“Good morning, Erika.” Jodi wrapped beans, egg and queso fresco in a flour tortilla.

“Morning.” I smiled at her as Mom placed a plate down in front of me.

“Gracias.” I start to dig in. I missed my mom’s food. I was really sick of hotel and restaurant food. Granted, I can cook but I really missed my mom’s food.

“Where are you off to?” My dad asked me.

“The HQ. They want to talk to us about something.” I told her.

“Uh, I wonder what’s up.” Jodi was cleaning off his plate.

“No idea." I shrugged as I ate.

"Well hopefully it's something good." My father says, sighing.

My mother sits with us.

"Your Aunt Estella sent us invitations to your cousin Clara's quince." My mother chimes in.

"That's nice." It wouldn't be a bad thing to go to.

"I wanna go dress shopping this weekend." Jodi sighed. "You know she'll want us wearing something from David's Bridal or whatever."

"We should totally go." I told her. "It'll be fun."

My mother smiled. "I'll give you some money, Jodi."

"Thanks, Ma. You're the best." Jodi smiled at my mom.

I left the kitchen after saying goodbye to my family and walked to the car. I hope it is good news. Hopefully, it's not the vampires wanting our heads for what happened to Mina and the others.

I head towards the HQ and park in the parking lot once I get there. I scan my badge at the door and greet Miracle, who is changing out a printer cartilage.

"They're in room 111." She tells me.

"Thanks." I responded. I head to the big conference room. The Founder, Amanda and Elliot are there. So are Ashara, Emilia, Terrence, Lauren and Stefan from the Midwest unit. Jackson, Heather, Kyra, Lexi and Zander are there too. What's going on?

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