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Brendan stared at the engagement ring in his hand. He ran his fingers through the gemstones. He hadn't slept in a few days and probably wouldn't until Erika and their child were safe back at home.. This wasn't the first time away from Erika but the first time she'd been taken with their child. He missed her already. He hated being away from her sweet smile, her Chanel No. 5 perfume, and her beautiful brown eyes with an amber afterglow. His plans were ruined in more than one way. Now he wished he would have planned for their engagement sooner.

"Brendan?" Karenina asked. They were back at HQ with Aurelia and Marijorie.

He looked at her. Grays were starting to grow into her curly black hair. She looked exhausted and no amount of makeup would cover that. He could tell that Karenina had been crying for the last few days.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save Erika." Brendan felt like crying himself.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault." Karenina sighed, grabbing a tissue from her purse.

"I know. I still feel guilty." Brendan sighed. "I just want her back."

"I know." Karenina held his hand gently. "I do too."

Brendan saw Aurelia enter the office. She was dressed in all black and wore a veil covering her hair. Despite her trying to compose herself, he could see that she had bitten her nails to stubs and that her purple fingers were bruised black and blue.

"I attempted negotiations with the Lords of his court when I heard of the news. I quickly returned before they had a chance to capture me." She said, her face almost showing despair.

"What's going to happen to them?" Brendan didn't want to think about it. They could be torturing Erika and Mina right now, or worse.. Amanda, Elliot and the other head of the other Agency branch entered, looking solemn.

"Amadeus is probably going to try to kill Mina. We have no idea what he plans with Erika." Amanda sat down, huffing.

"We can't just let them get harmed or worse!" Brendan protested.He hoped they weren't thinking what they were thinking.

"Second, we have to at least try to get them back." Karenina spoke, wiping her face.

"I agree with them. We must at least attempt at their rescue." Aurelia said, crossing her arms.

"We're looking at options. None of them have a decent success rate." Amanda looked at the floor.

"The vampires are a lot more formidable than the werewolves or the cephalopods. We must choose wisely, if at all." The other leader responded.

"I know you care about both of them but you have to be aware we may not be able to do anything." Elliot sighed, his shoulders shrinking down.

"I'm not going to sit here and wait around for something." Brendan snapped at them.

"What about Mina?" Aurelia asked, raising her thin brows. "I am quite sure that the others would advocate for her safe return and a treaty between those two."

"I agree too but as long as the Hunter Council doesn't approve of anything, our hands are tied." Elliot crossed his arms.

"Well, they can go fuck themselves, it's not like they've done anything for us." Karenina crossed her arms, looking angry. "Besides, we are Hunters. Vampires are not that bad compared to other threats we've dealt with."

" Amadeus merely wants my stepdaughter's kingdom, not to destroy humanity which would make your job much easier than you'd believe it to be."Aurelia walked closer to the bosses, her eyes staring all of them down.

"So what will we do then?" The other woman asked, eyeballing Aurelia.

"I guess we could try a direct assault." Amanda turned on a projector in the room. It showed a map of the manor and the surrounding woods. "That's the highest but it's only 28% of a success rate."

"I'd have to agree with Amanda there." Elliot looked at the wall.

"So you're gonna listen to them?" The other woman looked angry.

"Yes, we will. They have a point.." Amanda got up from her chair. "We'll work on the rescue plans, then."

"You're not getting my approval." The woman crossed her arms and pouted.

"I don't care, Brielle." Amanda narrowed her eyes at her. "We can override your vote."

"I still report all of this to the Council, you know." Brielle remarked, getting up to look at Amanda.

The three left the room. Brendan, Aurelia and Karenina walked outside to the front of the HQ. They must have made quite the odd trio. A woman in old timey clothes, a tall woman with curly hair and him, dressed like he was in a business meeting. Karenina sighed and took out a cigarette.

"Want one?" She asked them.

"I'll take it." Brendan hadn't smoked in a while but he needed one now.

She handed him the lighter and the box. He took one and lit it.

"Would Amadeus actually hurt them?" Brendan took a puff of cigarette.

"He would. I imagine he'd force Mina to abdicate the throne and put him in it instead. As for Erika, since she is nothing special to him, she's fair game for anything." Aurelia said.

Brendan felt his skin crawl. He didn't want to think about what they could be doing to her. Just the thought of it made him want to kill someone.

"That's why we have to rescue them." Brendan took another puff.

"You're right," Aurelia shockingly took a cigarette from Karenina and lit it. "I will try to find a way to protect the girls while they're being held hostage."

"I hope you can. But I'm going to find a way to get to her if they don't say yes. Even if I have to kill someone." His free hand crumpled to a fist. He would do it.

"You really love that girl, don't you?" Karenina put her cigarette in the ashtray beside the window.

"She's my reason to live, my everything. If I lose her, I lose myself." Brendan sighed. He couldn't bear the thought of being without Erika. "I'll get her and Mina back, one way or another." 

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