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We were at a formal dress shop. I was not thrilled about having to dress up super fancy but it’s part of my job.

“This one might look good on you.” I held a green dress to Heather’s sternum. The green complimented her eyes and skin tone.

“Hmm, looks like it’s my size too.” Heather smiled. Brendan and Jackson had gone off to the men’s section. I noticed Karenina walked up to the door and there was an older woman behind her.

“Ma, for crying out loud, fuck off.” Karenina was angry. The woman resembled Karenina.

“You should help your mother, you ungrateful bitch!” She shouted. The women started to curse out each other in the language I’ve heard her use before.

“Hey! Calm down, will you?” A store associate hollered.

“Mom, what’s going on?” I asked her. The woman looks at me up and down.

“This is her?” She asks Karenina.

“Erika, this is my egg donor, Jahive. Jahive, this is my daughter, Erika.” Karenina sighed.

“She is ugly, just like you.” Damn, this is how I’m introduced to my grandmother?

“You’re no work of art yourself.” I responded.

“I guess you won’t help me either, Erika. Your mother has always been ungrateful to me.” Jahive says.

“My mother wants help with her house. She doesn’t deserve it. Don’t give her a dime.” Karenina crossed her arms.

“I wouldn’t. Not after how she treated you.” I kept looking at dresses. The woman huffed and stomped off in rage. “Anyway, why are you here? I thought you were training in PNW.”

“I was. But then your grandmother contacted me. I thought something had happened to another one of my relatives but nope, she wanted me to bail her out of foreclosure.” Karenina sighed. “That’s what I get for believing her lies.”

“It’s okay, Ms. Seyer. You just wanted to believe that she wasn’t a total bitch.” Heather spoke.

“Thanks, Heather.” Karenina sighed. “Anyway, I heard what happened at the castle. Are you alright?”

“I guess. I feel like I have to sleep with my gun under my bed now.” I sighed. Granted, I knew that could happen at any point but still. It doesn’t feel that great.

“I think you’re in good hands with Brendan and Jackson.” Karenina looked at the dress racks with me. She picks one golden yellow dress and presses it against me.

“That is a really good shade of yellow on you.” She smiled at me. I look at the dress. It’s flowy, gathering at the waist and it has sleeves that fall down to my forearms.

“Wow, it is.” Karenina motions me to the dressing rooms. “Try it on.”

I decided to try the dress on. It looks amazing on me, making me look like a princess. My mind flashes to me wearing a similar dress in a different color, twirling around at a dance. Huh, that’s weird. I take off the dress and put my regular clothes back on.

Heather ends up buying the green dress I recommended. We’re looking at jewelry when Brendan and Jackson come out with tuxedos in a special bag.

“I hope it’s worth it.” Jackson sighed. “Did you guys have any luck?”

“We did, actually. But you can’t see the dresses until tomorrow.” Heather smiled.

“Well that’s not fair.” Jackson had a smile on his face. “But I’ll wait.”

Brendan looks at me and walks up to the jewelry case.

“I think you’d look beautiful in whatever you pick.” He smiles.

“Aww, thanks.” I smiled at him. I was caught between the gold flower necklace or the string of pearls. I chose the gold flower necklace and the matching earrings. It should be real gold for what we’re paying.

“I’m kind of excited for the ball. Is that bad?” Heather asked us.

“Of course not.” We headed to the shoe shop to get us some new heels and dress shoes for the guys.

“I haven’t gone to a ball in a bit. Last time I remember one was when I was five.” Jackson sighed. He is the oldest of the bunch, I forget that sometimes.

“Wow, how were balls on your planet?” Heather asked, staring at some stilettos.

“Well, same as here. Food, dancing, people showing off their wealth. My mother used to compete with Scarleth’s mother as to who looked better. Then it became my stepmother and her mother from what I learned.” Jackson sighed, his expression changing from melancholic to straight up sad.

“Well, what do you think of these?” Brendan asked me, grabbing a pair of shoes that looked great but looked very expensive.

“They look good.” I remarked. Brendan grabs him. I find some tolerable heels and we check out. I’m ready to go back to Mina’s quarters. I was kind of ready for the ball. It might be a welcome break from all this chaos of this week.

We leave the mall and head back to the palace. I noticed they’ve upped their security significantly since the incident. I drop off my bags in the dresser and lay down. Brendan sits next to me, looking happy.

“How are you feeling?” He asked me.

“I’m tired.” I curl up closer to him.

“I know, honey.” He strokes my hair. “I know.”

Suddenly, there’s an overwhelming sensation and the urge to throw up. I run to the bathroom and empty my already empty stomach into the toilet. Great, just great.

“Are you okay?” Brendan asked as I hurled again.

“No, I don’t think so.” I sighed as I tried to get up, feeling a tad bit on the shaky side. Brendan helps me up. I brush my teeth vigorously and swish some mouthwash around to get the awful taste off my mouth. He leads me back to bed where I just lay there with my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

He just strokes my hair, saying nothing. I should probably buy a pregnancy test whenever I get a chance. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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