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Mina, Aurelia, and Marijorie were at the hotel we were staying in. Mina was lounging in the pool with Marijorie and Aurelia was reading a book under a huge umbrella. Brendan and I were in the pool, Heather was tanning and Jackson was working on something for Amy and Greyson. He was just doing a test run as a Agent (which was required) before he was committed to the lab.

"So has Amadeus said anything about what's planning on doing with my throne?" Mina asked Aurelia.

"Well, I heard that he ripped out the red velvet carpet in your quarters and was getting it changed to Italian marble tile."

"Not my velvet..." Mina sighed. "I guess it could be worse."

"Oh, but it is. He's replaced all the paintings in the ballroom with abstract art."

"Shit, no!"

"And the remaining servants said he's been playing Imagine Dragons just to torment them."

"Nooooooooo." She puts her hands on her head and shakes her head. "I need to get my palace back."

Marijorie sighs. "He's got the Kirilanis and the Windsors on his side now. I don't know how we'll beat them back and away from the palace."

"Shit." Mina looked very frustrated. "I really don't know what to do anymore. Which council members survived?"

"Only Lord Cicero, Lady Housetower and Lady Breena." Aurelia spoke softly. "But they are in hiding. They fear Amadeus will come for them as he did with the others."

"Great, I have no army and no council." Mina put her hand to her forehead. "Only two agents and my loyal thrall."

"You're forgetting the old woman." Aurelia spoke, slightly looking up from her book.

"Our second most valuable asset." Marijorie was smiling.

"I can tell you guys love each other." Jackson says as he walks up to us with a case of beef in one arm. Heather has a pack of Seagrams in her other hand.

"Hey, y'all!" She says. We wave at her. "We bought drinks."

"What are the drinks?" Mina asked.

"Seagrams and Corona." Jackson described.

"Wait, I thought you couldn't have either of those?" Brendan asked him.

"Well, they're for you guys. I got whiskey." Jackson grinned as he pointed to his shirt's lower pocket.

"You sly dog." I smile as I go up to the table where they left the drinks. Heather opens up a pink lemonade one. Marijorie takes a Corona and Mina takes a Jamaica Me Happy.

"So what should we do?" Mina pops her can open.

"We need to recover the palace. We're going to need a distraction to keep them away from the squad that would break in to take out Amadeus."

"We can definitely do that." Jackson spoke.

"Great. We should probably discuss the details inside. Amadeus may have eyes we weren't even aware of out here." Aurelia spoke. We left the pool and walked into the elevator. I was wrapped in a beach towel. Aurelia hits the elevator button and we wait for it.

"I have something we need to give you in the room." The elevator doors open and we enter. Aurelia looked at me as she said that.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"You'll see." We hop in and the doors close. The ride is kind of awkward as no one is saying anything. The elevator doors open on our floor and we walk out. I hear what sounds like items falling to the sound and loud moans.

"Damn, keep it down, we can go to Pornhub if we wanna hear that!" Marijorie shouts.

"Marijorie, please don't get us kicked out of the hotel." Aurelia chided him.

The couple said nothing back but resumed after we were halfway down the hall. We enter Aurelia and Mina's suite. It has two beds which haven't been done and the couch had blankets on it. Aurelia walks up to a plant that resembles the blushing lady. I'm wondering if that is what it was.

"This is the only blushing lady plant I was able to save from the garden when we escaped." Aurelia spoke. "I want you to have it."

"Why me?" I asked her. I saw that Jackson, Heather, and Brendan were talking to Mina and Marijorie.

"You will know what to do with it when the time comes." Aurelia spoke somewhat cryptically. I'm guessing she thinks I might be able to save the plant. I'm half tempted to tell her that I may not be the one for it. I can't even keep a cactus plant alive. I know my ancestors are ashamed of me on that one. "Thank you, Aurelia." I spoke, taking the plant with me. They were planning things.

"So Jackson, Heather and the rest of the team the Agency sends will attack his men in the front line. Brendan, Marijorie, Erika and I will break inside to confront Amadeus." Mina speaks.

"That sounds like a solid plan. I've managed to communicate with the other armies and they will surprise attack the soldiers stationed nearby." Aurelia spoke. "Let us hope that our plan goes off without any obstacles."

"I hope so. My people depend on me to defend them. As my father did." Mina sighed, crossing her arms.

"You can do whatever you put your mind to." Aurelia was stroking Mina's shoulder.

"Thank you." Mina closed her eyes.

We left the room.

"She gave you a plant?" Jackson asked.

"It's the blushing lady plant we showed Brendan and I when we first toured the palace." I tell him.

"Oh, okay. It reminds me a bit of our moon flowers." Jackson looked at the planet.

"Moon flowers?" Heather asked.

"Well, we had flowers back in Helixion that would only bloom with moonlight. They were kind of like this but they were white."

"Hm, that's interesting." I looked at the plants.

"Yeah." Jackson sighed. "I think I got a sunburn."

"Ouch." I responded. He does look uncomfortable.

"Well, I got some after sun lotion in my bag if you need some." Heather smiled at him.

"Thanks." He responded. 

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