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We arrived back to my parents to celebrate Jodi's birthday. My mother had brought her those big number balloons and had even done a little theme for her party. It was a magic garden theme. I had a gift I had gotten her back in Bonaire.

"Erika, you're back!" Jodi hugged me tightly. Despite the jet lag, I was always going to have time for her and my other family members. I hugged her back.

"You look great. In two more years, I'll be able to get a drink!" She smiled at me.

"It'll be here before you know it." Miranda hugs me. "Hey, egghead."

"Hey, coconut head." I hugged her back. She looks at me.

"Those three months in Bonaire did you good. Anyway, the gift table is over there." She motioned to the table beside the entrance to the kitchen. I set my gift down. Brendan and Jackson were chatting with Lydia and my mom. I returned to Brendan, holding his arm.

"You okay, Erika?" He asked. I lean against him.

"I'm fine, I'm just glad to be back home." I look at him. He wraps his arm around me.

"You guys want to eat? We made some barbacoa sinaloense, rice, beans, pasta salad, and some chicken." My mother asked us.

"I'll take all of that." Brendan spoke.

"Same." I responded.

"I'll take the chicken and rice." Jackson says. "And I think Heather would like what they're getting."

I head out to the porch where my dad is talking to my uncles and a few family friends by the grill.

"Hey, honey, I'm glad to see that you're back home." My dad said, hugging me.

"Damn, Erika, you're getting older. I still remember when you used to play with your little cousins out in the yard of the old house." One of my uncles, Enrique, says to me. I hugged him.

"I know, it feels like forever. I'm surprised you came." I pull away, crossing my arms.

"I finally got divorced from that old witch." He chuckles. "You missed my divorce party."

"Damn." Brendan said, chuckling.

"And who's this?" He asked, looking at Brendan.

"Hey, I'm Brendan, Erika's boyfriend." He stated, looking at my uncles.

"Damn, Erika, it took you that long to introduce your boyfriend to us?" My other uncle, Gerardo says.

"Well, I've been busy." I put my hands in my sundress's pockets.

"I heard about your new job. You like it there?" Uncle Gerardo asked me.

"Yeah, it's great. Great benefits too." I put my hands on my hip. 

"I'm glad to hear that, mija. I wish your cousins would hurry up and find themselves a good job."

I chuckled and we went back inside as my mom was setting our plates down. Heather and Jackson were already sitting down together.

"So how did you enjoy your trip, Jackson? I hope your sister didn't make you too miserable." Yeah, apparently my parents think Jackson is my brother on Karenina's side. Honestly, Lydia and us have decided that it would be for the better for them to not know the truth.

"It was great. I really enjoyed myself." He sighed. "The chicken is really good, by the way."

"I'm glad you like it." My mother smiled. "What about you, Heather?"

"It was lovely. I got to rest a bit and I'm ready to continue my training now." She smiled at my mother. She was doing a lot better and I was proud of her. Sometimes, back in Bonaire, I could hear her crying or waking up from a nightmare but Jackson was always there for her, comforting her until she went back to sleep or calmed down.

"Are you excited?" My mother asked her as she was digging into her chicken.

"Yep. Before all of that happened, Lauren was teaching me more stuff. Now I want to go back to school to become a nurse practitioner."

"That's wonderful. I think you'd be great for it." My mother says to her.

"That's what I told her. She'll be great for it." Jackson held her hand. Heather gave him a kiss on the cheek.

The food was delicious and made me glad we had returned earlier. Tomorrow I was supposed to meet with Amanda for our next assignment.

"When's your next mission, mija?" My mother asked.

"Well, we're supposed to be meeting with Amanda tomorrow about it. I'm not sure yet." I sighed. "Why?"

"Well, we were hoping to host a dinner for your birthday since we didn't get to celebrate it with you." My mother sighed.

"Well, we can find time for it." I smiled. Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on time with my family.

Brendan looks at my mom. "This is delicious, Mrs. Jimenez."

"Thank you, hun." My mother smiles at him. "How's Katya and Devin?"

"They're good. Apparently, my mom got a new job at the ER and my dad got promoted to the co-owner of the shop." Brendan spoke.

"Wonderful." My mother states. We continued to eat. Jodi was in the living room with our younger cousins, playing a game. To think about a year ago, I thought I might lose them forever. I was glad that they were home, safe and away from harm.

"So, Heather." Brendan spoke. "Did you bring back those shells you got for your room?"

"Oh, yeah. I didn't forget. They almost took them away at the airport." Heather sighed.

"That would of been fucked up." Jodi walked in. "Sorry, I know, I was being nosy. Hey, y'all."

"Hey, Jodi." Heather smiled at her. "Happy birthday girl!"

"Thanks." Jodi smiled back then looked at Jackson. "Damn, you cut your hair?"

"It was hot in Bonaire. Does it look bad?" He looked nervous.

"Nah, I like it better. You kind of look less like Erika now." She spoke.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I raise my brow playfully at her.

"Ay, hermana. That's just me saying that he doesn't look like a girl. He kind of looks like Clark Kent now." She giggled.

"Who's that?" Jackson raised his brow. Heather pulled him up on her phone.

"Yeah, I kind of see it." He chuckled.

"You better be joking." I had a grin on my face. Nothing like sisterly jokes.

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