(Past) Plans for a Book 2 I Couldn't Do

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Now I've noticed that even when I've technically finished up this Genshin book and that the writing is...yes (like - morse code and Latin translation? Maybe Latin's fine but MORSE CODE?? D:), people are still reading it. I know, a shocker, and every time I look at a notif saying that a person adds this story to the reading list or other Wattpad notifs, really, it reminds me of this story I couldn't make an (unnecessary) Book 2 of properly.

I remember that past me left a cliffhanger of a certain word, shaw, being shouted out before the main character (myself in a certain person's body) fainting. That was all there was. A shouted word and the main character seemingly drowning, as if the MC (main character) themself just die and boom, finished. However, I also remember that there really was a planned Book 2 after this, past me wanting to slice chapters to sections instead of grouping them all together.

Really, the plan was simple: The MC discovers that some of the Hollow Knight and Undertale characters also mistakenly stumbled into the Genshin world, the same situation the Kirby gang was brought into before them. MC, HK and UT group up to find the rest of MC's friends they were in while figuring out where to go around Inazuma; the nation HK and UT find out first.

The hints of HK and UT being a thing in the story were back in the last story chapter; 'shaw' was shouted out, showing a common kind of call from Hornet, a character from HK. Glitches suddenly formed, which at the time, quite vaguely represented Error Sans coming to the cast. Very specific choices, I know, but seeing past me, I knew exactly what she was hoping for.

Now, onto 'friends'.

In the end of the chapter 'Some knowledge and some news', MC was given a pouch from Gouba while getting some food which had a note from 'Past Kathlyne', basically Kathlyne from the past (when she had control over her own body). It read something related to finding MC's friends; Alyssa, Riddhima, Loreize and Sophia. If you've noticed the English used, you've probably learnt that MC knew that these friends were gone, and based on what she said, for a long unspecified time. The note also mentioned of some sort of time running out, and that finding them had to be done fast. This was then set to MC's main priority during her time in the Genshin world; Find her friends, and quick.

In the chapter 'Something is definitely wrong', upon Cassie mentioning 'friends', MC's thoughts began to become odd, some sort of voices shouting negative at her mind with possibly deformed, glitchy voices, really scratching her head and making her not feel so well. This lead to, well, fainting (yippee :D...), and blah blah blah, whatever came next.

(You know what came next)

Here was what another part of the plan was; going back to MC, HK and UT teamed up to find the others, they didn't find them first but rather a few other Genshin characters, mainly from Inazuma, such as Kokomi, Thoma, Ayaka, etc. While they were searching for the others, the others themselves were trying to find MC, this time in a different searching path. It was a scenario of the others asking around in a spot and not even an hour after leaving the spot, the people they were trying to find came by, if I remembered correctly.

Again, MC-HK-UT did NOT find the others again but rather a sort of hidden spot around an area that not a lot of people usually go to. Genshin story-wise, this place was the same place where the Electro Gnosis was given to Scaramouche. Once more, if I remembered correctly, that place was supposedly where MC's friends were found; recently kidnapped by the man himself (Scara)! Yippee :D... Plot-wise, this is not something to 'yippee' at.

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