(puǝ) ǝʌᴉɟ ʎʇɹᴉɥʇ ɐɹʇxǝ

Comenzar desde el principio

"Nothing," Pei Hao wiped the corner of his eye and closed his phone, "It's a bit windy outside."

"Oh..." Fu Bing glanced at the tightly closed window nearby but didn't press further.

Long-distance relationships were challenging, just the mention of these three words indicated as much, and even more so when there was an entire Pacific Ocean between them.

Pei Hao managed to find ways to visit him in the U.S. from time to time, and Mo Xi didn't feel the need to meet too frequently, but he did think Pei Hao's constant flying was exhausting. Once, when Pei Hao was clearly suffering from a stomachache, he still insisted on taking a more than ten-hour flight to come over. As soon as he arrived home, he lay down on the sofa in pain. Mo Xi was both anxious and angry but couldn't do much about it.

He gave him medicine, made porridge, and spoon-fed Pei Hao bit by bit. Seeing him gradually feeling better, Mo Xi couldn't hold back his temper and scolded, "If you keep risking your health like this, maybe we should separate for a while."

His intention was for Pei Hao to take care of his health and not take such risks for him. What he said was for Pei Hao's own good. However, by the time it reached Pei Hao's ears, only the latter half remained, making it sound like Mo Xi wanted to break up.

A lump formed in his throat, and he didn't know how to respond. Pei Hao turned red in an instant, his eyes welling up.

Mo Xi froze, realizing he had misspoken. After a moment of calming himself down, he hugged the person on the sofa and comforted him. Pei Hao finally fell asleep with a sense of security.

Two months later, the company Mo Xi interned at offered him a full-time position with a salary much higher than his previous one in China. Just a few years ago, he was love-struck and would have unquestionably placed Pei Hao first in his priorities, but this time he weighed many factors—career prospects, family, and love.

In the end, Mo Xi decided to return to China, a decision made after careful consideration of various aspects. He wanted to see Xiao Pengpeng grow up, wanted to work in a game company, and wanted Pei Hao to stop wearing himself out flying back and forth.

In the summer of 2019, under the blazing June sun, Mo Xi returned to City X with a few large suitcases. He and Pei Hao moved to a larger apartment and resumed their cohabitation.

Egg Brother organized a gathering with a few old friends to welcome Mo Xi. Privately, he asked if they should invite Fu Yan. Pei Hao thought about it and decided against it, fearing that Mo Xi might have some thoughts.

That day, Pei Hao booked a suite in a resort. They played games, sang songs, and Mo Xi prepared a few simple dishes with Pei Hao in the kitchen. When Egg Brother entered the room, he saw Mo Xi washing vegetables, with Pei Hao's arm around his waist and feeding him grapes.

"Oh my god..." Egg Brother quickly covered his eyes and shut the door, wishing he could immediately pull his girlfriend away from this scene that reeked of romantic intimacy.

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