What if everything she's said is the truth and that Stiles and everyone else isn't telling me the truth? No. She can't be telling me the truth. But what if she is?

'I'm.....going to need more proof. A lot more proof.' I say. I can't help but feel sorry for her. She's clouding my head. Do I believe her or Stiles? I begin pacing the room. I can't think. And how does she expect me to believe her after she's talking bullshit about werewolves? Even though I can't explain what is happening to me. I need to speak to Stiles. He is the only one I can trust. 

'Leave. Go!' 

'But Alison...'

'I said leave. Go away. I need to be alone. I don't want to see you again. I don't trust you. So when you leave you need to think of some way to prove to me that all that you are saying is true. But I am going to need a lot a prove. So what I'm saying to you is...good luck!' I turn my back and walk out the door and make my way outside. I need to get away. 

She's polluting my head with crap. My life is complicated enough. I don't need her coming and fucking it up more. 

I continue to walk and think about what I could do. There is nothing to do and I don't remember any one so i can't go and see anyone. I think about the people in the photo. Stiles said that two of the girls in the photo were missing. I think there names were.....Malia and Lucy....no Lydia. Stiles told me about them. He never told me who took them. What if I could find them and bring them home. My face drops. 

But, i have no idea who they are, where they are, how to find them and how to rescue them. I need to speak to Stiles but I have no idea how to contact him. 

I turn around and make my way back to the loft. 


I don't know how much longer i can take of this. I can't cope much longer with Colleen not knowing who i am. And it doesn't help that she thinks her name is Alison! I need to do something about this. I can't sit here and do nothing. My girlfriend's memory is gone and two of my friends have gone missing. I have to do something soon. 

Stiles told me about how she remembered who she was. She regained her memory after hitting her head. Maybe there is some sort of hope. 

I need to see her. I message Stiles to meet me at the loft to see Colleen.  

I soon arrive and see Stiles's Jeep outside. He must have already gone in. I go in and see Stiles talking to Colleen. 'Scott we have a problem.' Great what now. 'It's Kate. She came by today and tried convincing Coll that we were the ones lying and that we took her from her.' 

Coll was now walking towards me with Stiles. 'She what?! You know what I have had enough of this. My girlfriend doesn't even know who I am, 2 of my friends have gone missing because of Kate!' 

'Wait, Kate took them?' She asks. I nod. 'We have to do something!' She says again. I look at her. She's still as beautiful as ever. Her long blonde hair, her bright blue eyes that stand out the most. I miss her so much. I look to Stiles and he gives me a sympathetic look. 

Silence. None of us knew what to say. The temptation I have to just hug her. I need her in my arms. Fuck it. I throw my arms around Colleen. 


1 minute I was stood there, the next Scott had thrown his arms around me and held my tightly. Not too tightly that I couldn't breathe. I hugged him back. It felt so right. I rest my head in his chest. I can hear his heart beating. I don't want to let go. This feels perfect. I feel my eyes well up. One tear falls and then begins the flood. Tear after tear. I feel so upset and i don't know why. We slowly let go and I wipe away the tears. 

'Whats wrong?' They both ask. I shake my head. 'I don't know.' I turn and face the other way. Suddenly and sudden urge takes over as if i was no longer in control of my body. I turn around, and plant a huge kiss on Scott's lips. I wrap my arms around his neck. He kisses me back. 

We pull apart. 'Scott.' Wait! Scott. 'Scott! It's me!' 

'Colleen.....' I nod. I quickly kiss him again. 'I'm back! I remember.' They both looked shocked and confused. 

'How?' Stiles asks. 'I don't know. Maybe because the amount of emotions the I felt and how weak Allison felt I just managed to break through. But I don't know how long we have before my memories go again. Call everyone and get them over here.' 

As soon as Stiles leaves to make the calls I jump into Scott's arms and again plant a huge kiss. 'I've missed you so much. It's been horrible. I've watched everything that's happened. I remembered everything. I've just been trapped while someone else has been in my body.' Thinking about it makes me well up again. Scott wraps his arms around my body. 'I will always keep you safe.' 

After about half an hour of waiting everyone soon arrived. Last to arrive was Chris. Both Derek and Peter were happy to see me again. The real me. 

'Right, I have a plan to get back both Lydia and Malia.' They all nod. I explain to them the plan and and as i predicted, they disagreed. 'I wont allow it!' Said Peter. 'It;s too dangerous.'

'I don't care. I know what I will be doing. It will all work out.' 

They all thought bit would be dangerous, therefore we are not going through with it.

Soon everyone left apart from Peter, Derek and Scott. Scott decided to stay the night as he doesn't know how long he has left with me. 

We sat on my bed talking. Scott starts kissing my neck and starts lifting up my t-shirt. 'Lie down.' He whispers. 


I wake up remembering the events of last night. I look around the room and my face drops. I run urgently downstairs to see both Derek and Peter talking. 

'Whats wrong Scott?' Asks Derek. They both look at me concern. 

'It's Colleen....Shes's gone!' 

A/N- I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages. I've just been enjoying my extended summer holidays now that i have finished school. It's been so nice not having to get up early and worry about school. Anyway, I do hope you enjoy this chapter. I don't actually know if you guys enjoy what i'm writing or not, I hope you are. Anyway, enjoy. 

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