It was not like they both had stopped talking to each other. No. In fact they spoke, for most part of the day if not all day like before. But the difference was that the other girl was not present with her anymore.

All their talks was filled about some random topics about which they both were well aware that neither of them were interested in. Yet, continued to just chat only to fill the gap, make it seem like they were fine and back like before.

And one more thing the elder was not blind enough to miss out was. Austin.

How often the younger talked about him and how fascinated she was to talk about him and then abruptly stop in middle like she was not supposed to talk about the guy or something.

When the girl spoke about him for the first time, Lia was genuinely happy and Lia still is but this nagging feeling in the back of her mind that there was more to the picture than she is able to see was a constant.

She wondered if the girl herself was aware of her behavior, it felt like Lia was watching the demise of what they were, right in front of her eyes and chose to stay silent because she was afraid that if she spoke about this then the terror of finding out that this nagging feeling was not just a nagging but a reality filled her veins.

So Lia deceived herself into thinking this was all nothing but her own mind playing tricks on her and pushing her into overthinking.

The funny thing was that the calls were more frequent when the younger had no phone compared to now when she has her own. Lia tried asking if the other was comfortable for a call two days after their call where the younger had excitedly shared that she had got new phone but the other had just avoided the question and when asked again had given a vague answer and moved on to something else.

So, since then the elder kept quite and never bought up the topic to not upset the younger and also to not hurt her own heart. It's been two weeks since that call and all they ever spoke was about anything else but about them both.

One was filled with terror to even bring their topic while the other was adamant on just avoiding the topic all together.

That was how their talks and days have been going.

Closing her eyes, Lia took in a deep breath to stable her thoughts and to not let out any signs of feeling sad in front of the two people who meant the world to her.

Finishing the last bite of the plum cake Lia left to discard the used crocckeries ducking her down to not let the other catch on to her mood but unknown to her the said two members had already observed her expression but kept quiet to not make it obvious as it seemed like the other definitely did not want to discuss about it anytime soon.

"No one can beat your plum cakes mom! The best plum cake baker!" Cyrus chimed in a high pitched voice noting that the atmosphere was falling.

"Of course! I am the best!" Elder pearl played along dramatically flipping her hair which had the girl who had turned her attention to them hearing the chiming voice, chuckle softly.

Cyrus continued to blabber stuffs and the elder lady continued to play along adding few cheeky comments until they both had Lia laughing out loudly.

"You guys! Stop it! My cheeks hurts! You both do not have the better back. I am the one with an amazing-godly-sculpted better back!" Lia croaked out still laughing as she turned around wiggling her back.

"No way! It's me with the best back!" Cyrus exclaimed as he also turned around wiggling his butt.

Elder pearl threw her head back laughing out loud as she saw her children wiggling butts at each other in middle of the kitchen as they were still cleaning the table.

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