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"Can you stop looking at me like you want to decapitate my fucking head? It's starting to creep me out..."

I glare at Sunset harder as we walk up the escalator.

Directly after the orientation interest meeting, Rarity had announced and claimed that were headed to the mall. Her reasoning was we all had to get 'cuter clothes' before the first semester started, and all of our closets looked like 'hot trash'.

Fluttershy and I smartly decided we didn't want to deal with an angry Rarity, so we went with it. Sunset, however, was most certainly going to have to deal with an angry Rainbow Dash, because I was furious.

Before she had run off to hide from me, I gave her the ultimate face of betrayal, and soon enough, I was screaming down the building trying to find her in the empty hallways. The three of us found her hiding in a nearby classroom, and Fluttershy had to restrain me from strangling her right there.

Eventually, we found ourselves roaming around the mall, only Rarity having bought anything so far. Fluttershy and Rarity had also quickly realized to keep me at least ten feet away from Sunset before I jumped her.

"Oh! Look darlings, there's a Prada!" Rarity gushed, as she pointed to the designer store. Fluttershy and I shared a look and rolled our eyes.

"No, because how on Earth do you expect us to afford Prada," Fluttershy asked, "The people in there would judge me for breathing the same bougie air as them."

Rarity whined as we walked past the flashy store, "But darlings! The new Fall 2023 line is coming out and-" She cuts herself off as something else catches her eye, "Oh look! There's Hermés!"

I scoff as I pull her away from the much higher-end luxury boutique, "As if that's any better," I mumble.

"You girls have no class." Rarity retorts and huffs as she crosses her arms and reluctantly starts walking ahead.

"No, we just don't have money," Sunset replied, "Actually, I can only speak for myself... Rainbow Dash has a steady income coming from her boyfriend Soarin."

"The day murder becomes legal, I want all of you to watch your backs." I grimace and ignore the laughs coming from Sunset's unnecessary comment. "You're just jealous,"

Rarity rolls her eyes as we walk up another escalator, "Rainbow darling, everyone envies you for having a hot ass sugar daddy that's obsessed with you,"

Fluttershy joins in before I can protest, "Not to mention half of the student body already wants him,"

"Wait till he shows up on the first day," Sunset starts, "The campus is going to be covered in drool and cum at this rate,"

Rarity cringes and hides her face in embarrassment from people giving us weird looks, "That's an interesting way to put it..."

We finally make it up the long escalator, and I decide not to comment on my best friend's odd fantasies of the most irritating person to walk the planet. The smell of french fries, burgers, and McDonald's, greets us as we walk into the food court.

The three of us were famished and desperately needed lunch, despite Rarity's whines of going shopping first. Fluttershy points to a salad bar restaurant, and seemingly the other two girls like the idea. My eyes widen in horror and I cringe at their terrible selection, "Hell no, I'm getting Taco Bell, later losers."

Sunset's eyes widen at the mention of Taco Bell and looks between her two options of the salad bar or greasy burritos. She then looks at me and flinches, as my glare remained from earlier. Sunset looked back at the salad bar, then her grumbling stomach, "I think I'll go with Dash, but if I don't come back alive you know whose fault it is..."

Just Get a Cappuccino ॥ SoarindashTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang