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"So... how many people were interested in getting a job?"

"Just one."

I lied and smiled innocently. Luna looked as if she was deep in thought so I decided not to say anything further. She paced around the employee-only room as Sunset and I watched her when she came to an abrupt stop and faced me, "May I ask how the 'Now Hiring' sign ended up across the lounge area?"

Sunset let out a quick snort before suppressing her laughter. I roll my eyes and try to find an excuse, "Uh... so a fly was bothering me... right? So... turns out it wasn't a fly... and it was, uh, a wasp! Yeah, a wasp! And so, I tried using my hands to swat it away because I'm so fearless and awesome," I puff up my chest, only to notice Sunset shaking her head and rolling her eyes, "Yeah, so, anyways... the wasp somehow managed to beat me. So then it started flying around everywhere and it was attacking a customer, and of course, being the amazing employee that I am, I needed to protect the customers! So my first instinct was to grab something and throw it at the wasp," I finish with a proud sigh.

Luna raised an eyebrow, not looking swayed at all, "And the customer you threw the sign at just happened to be the one that annoys you?"

This is where Sunset lost it and broke into a fit of giggles. I cringe, replaying the events from this morning in my head, "I didn't mean to hit him," I lie again, "I was trying to protect him from the bee!"

"Wasp!" Sunset whisper-shouts to correct me.

"Right, wasp. But he didn't get hit anyways, he caught it before it could make it to his face... unfortunately." I mumble the last part to myself.

Luna sighs loudly but then returns to face me with her regular stoic expression. "Still, it looks bad for customer service... he comes in every day, yes?" she asked. I nod my head slowly, trying to understand what she was getting at. "Why don't you apologize to him? Or perhaps make him a free drink?"

"But I didn't even do anything wrong!"

"Rainbow Dash..."

I grumbled and crossed my arms, "Fine..."

I sigh as I tossed Sunset my helmet. She removed her keys from her bike, and caught up beside me, "Kay', so I know you're in a bitchy mood," she starts. I shoot her a quick glare and she rolls her eyes, "But look on the bright side... you got let off easy for throwing a sign at a customer!"

"How is having to apologize to that dumb-fuck getting let off easy?!" I ask, pulling open the door, and heading for the elevators.

Sunset presses the top button, "It's really not that bad."

I scoff and turn to her as we enter the elevator, "You only think that because every time you see him you have a fucking orgasm," I grimace.

"Will you cut out denying that he's hot as fuck?! Like do you remember the first day he walked in all sweaty... oh my god." Sunset gushed and I gave her a judgy look.

"Right..." We stood in silence as the elevator passed the second, third, and finally the fourth floor. The red neon number ticked to 5, and the doors slid open. Without thinking, I rushed forward, ignoring the fact someone may be outside.

I was so caught up in the moment, trying to get to my bed as soon as possible, when I harshly bumped into something... or rather, someone.

"Oof!" I jolt back and was about to hit the ground before an arm wrapped around my waist. Opening my eyes and putting a hand over my heart, I straighten myself up, still in the person's grasp. "Sorry about that I-"

In my past life, I definitely did something seriously wrong to piss off the gods, because I was being held by none other than my least favorite fuckface.

"Nevermind!" I quickly say, immediately removing his hand from me, "Definitely not sorry," I face Soarin and start speedily walking away, bolting down the hallway.

"Did your parents not teach you to say 'thank you' when you were a kid?" He called from down the hall. I stop in my tracks and turn back to him.

"Not that you need to know," I start, slowly walking back, "But my parents definitely taught me better manners than you," I point a finger at him accusingly, "I just choose not to give my thanks to people who don't deserve it."

"You would think that you'd be more sorry after you threw a fucking sign in my face," He scoffed before smirking, "I could sue you for that y'know?"

"Oh please," I scoff back at him, "It didn't even hit you, and besides..." I look down and smile, before looking back up, challenging his smirk, "You like me too much to sue me,"

His eyes widened for just about a millisecond, but I caught it before he could revert back to his confident smile, "You got me there," he chuckled. He shook his head lightly and walked into the elevator that Sunset had been holding the whole time. As Soarin walked inside, he shot her a quick wink.

Sunset didn't try to hide it when her eyes shot open, and heat flushed to her cheeks. I roll my eyes as I watch the elevator door close, and raise a brow at Sunset's flustered expression, "I swear to god, if you get with him..." I mumble to Sunset, as we walk down the hallway to our dorms.

"Ha!" Sunset's laugh echoed through the hall, "You're hilarious," she said flatly, as I twisted the door handle to my dorm. I look at her with a confused expression, and she snorts as she welcomed herself into my dorm, "Look... he's the most attractive guy I've laid eyes on in a fucking while," she explained but stopped to grimace at the sight of my room when she entered. She rolled her eyes and sighed as she picked up a worn sports bra laying on the ground.

Sunset scooped up so many of my dirty clothes off the ground that I had discarded, to eventually make a small pile in her arms, "Really?" she rolled her eyes at my uncleanliness and tossed the clothes into my hamper. "Anyways... he's like the most delicious-looking guy ever," before I could say something in protest, Sunset puts a finger to my mouth, "Don't you dare fucking deny it, Dashie. I've seen the way you've eye-fucked him at work," she reveals. My eyes grow wide, and a raging blush welcomes itself onto my face, but she speaks before I could say anything in my defense, "But I wouldn't go for him personally. Look, I'm not one to judge, but he definitely has twenty sneaky links in different cities, and probably already has hooked up with a bunch of girls from Canterlot." she shrugged and fixed the sheets on my bed, before laying herself down neatly, "I can't blame him though, with a face and body like his I'd for sure be doing the same thing."

I blink my eyes and glance at her, "So you're saying he's a fuckboy?"

"Well... when you put it that way..." she twirled her hand in the air, but her face changed to a smirk, "Besides... I could never betray you like that,"


"How could I get with my best friend's man?"

After kicking my best friend out of my room, I plopped myself onto my bed. Unlike my usual routine of endlessly scrolling on Tiktok, I stared blankly at my ceiling while contemplating what I should do tomorrow when I see him.

"'Hey I'm sorry... that your incompetent ass had to catch the fucking sign before it hit you.'... No that's too mean!" I groan and roll myself around, "'I'm sorry that I threw a sign at you... now please get out of my sight before I chop your balls off,'... Ugh no! I do not want to touch his balls," I sigh exasperatedly but then perk up.

"'Sorry that I tried throwing a sign at you! You make me want to do much worse, but I can't because murder is illegal, so take this free complimentary drink!'... Perfect!"

the sign was the now hiring sign from last chapter btw :)

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