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"Ouch! You bitch..."

"Shut up and listen, darling"

I roll my eyes and rub the spot where Rarity elbowed me. It wasn't my fault that I was practically falling asleep while Celestia was droning on about the university's orientation program. Sunset and Fluttershy both stood at the front, being heads of the project. Sunset too was shooting me glares when she saw me drifting off, in contrast to Fluttershy who was contently being attentive to Celestia's talk.

I rubbed my eyes and yawn before scanning my eyes across the lecture hall. Nearly the whole room was filled with mainly upperclassmen, I could spot a few Juniors like me sitting nearby. Our school being quite average-sized, it wasn't hard to recognize a few familiar faces. Canterlot University was conveniently in the same city as our High School, and the majority of students from Canterlot or nearby cities and towns found them going to our college.

Pinkie Pie was sitting in the very front, most probably dragged to the first row by her friend Twilight, who was taking notes on her computer. I furrow my brows, wondering what possible notes you could be taking about a volunteering program. My eyes drift up to the row right in front of us, Applejack sitting a couple of seats left, and I noticed she too was beginning to lose interest.

"Wanna go elbow your girlfriend in the gut too?" I ask Rarity sarcastically, still being a noticeable pain in my ribs. She scoffs and twirls a piece of her hair.

"And I thought you were supposed to be the tough one," She eyes the spot where she hit me carefully, before rubbing it, "Aw... does Dashie have a boo-boo?" Rarity asks challenging my sarcasm while rolling her eyes.

I swat her hand away before reverting my eyes to Applejack. Her signature hat was tipped just a bit lower, to cast a dark shadow over her eyes. From this angle, I couldn't tell if she was sleeping or not. Without her noticing, I smirk deviously at Rarity before digging into the small tote bag I had brought along.

I rummage through the various items I had rushed to put in and finally found my pack of mint-flavored gum. I quickly take out a piece to pop into my mouth while crumpling up the foil wrapper. I form the wrapper into a small ball and put it between my fingers. I nudge Rarity lightly to get her attention, and she perks up.

Angling my arm just right, I threw the small foil ball in Applejack's direction. Rarity's eyes widen comically, and I giggle as she lightly gasps.

"Why the fuck would you do that?!" She asks urgently, sliding down in her seat with a blush pooling on her cheeks.

I ignore her, instead laughing at Applejack's confused expression, trying to find who just threw a gum wrapper at her. The wrapper bounced to the ground before the girl whipped her head to find the culprit.

"Psst!" I try to get her attention. Applejack shot her head at me to meet my smug face. She tipped her head to the side, but me being the annoying friend that I am, I signaled my thumb to Rarity, who was slowly shrinking down in her seat as if she threw the wrapper.

"You cunt!" She whisper-shouted to me as she looked between Applejack and my short exchange. She groaned into her palms and faced her head the other way, trying to avoid something.

I look back at Applejack, but she had just rolled her eyes when she saw Rarity. She crossed her arms and averted her attention back forward.

"Damn, not even a smile? What crawled up her ass?" I question lightly, noticing Applejack's odd behavior. Usually, the duo were very close and often were found enjoying each other's company. I turn my head back to Rarity who was still looking the other way facing the wall.

Finally, the girl turned around, looking at her hands and sighing, "I'll tell you later..." she revealed, also averting her attention back to Celestia. The chancellor was pacing back and forth, wearing a small smile as she finished explaining the expectations portion of the interest meeting.

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