jimin toothache

751 24 2

Jin 28
Jungkook 12 
Jimin 10

" Kook , chim, come here babies breakfast is readyy " jin said, arranging the breakfast on the dining table

" Good morning, hyungieee," jungkook said and hugged jin tightly

" Good morning bun did you sleep well?" jin asked softly, pecking his cheeks, and jungkook nodded, smiling

They both sat on the dining and waited for jimin, but he didn't come

" Where is chim?" jin asked jungkook, who shurreged his shoulder

" i will call him," jin said and was about to go, but jimin came there and silent sat on the seat

" What were you doing, bubba?" jin asked and served him the food, and jimin gulped, looking at it

" Baby, you okay?" jin asked worriedly and checked his temperature

" hyungie, i am fine," jimin said, fake smiling

Actually jimin has a tooth ache from past 3 days he was not telling Jin because he was scared of dentist he knew if he tell jin he will take him to dentist so he was suppressing his pain but today is was unbearable for poor baby

" chim, you okay, looks like you cried, baby," jin asked softly, looking at his swollen eyes

" no hyungie i sleep good, that's why," jimin said and smiled nervously

" okay okay if something bothers you baby, tell hyungie, hmm," jin said soflty and pecked his forehead and started to have his food

Jimin gulped and hesitantly took a bite he slowly chewed it but winced suddenly, holding his cheek, jin quickly looking at him

" What happened, bubba?" jin asked and took jimin in his lap whoes eyes were teary due to pain

" Baby, is something hurt?" jin asked, and jungkook spoke

" hyungie, he was also crying in the night holding his cheek," jungkook said, looking at jimin, who was sniffling now

Jin frowned and said softly, " Baby, tell hyungie is you teeth hurt," jin asked, and jimin looked down and nodded softly

" Baby, why didn't you tell me before?" jin asked and pulled his hand from his cheek

" Can you open your mouth for me?" jin said, pecking his crown and jimin open his mouth slightly and jin looked at the teeth with the help of the torch and sighed

His one premolar has a bad cavity. He definitely needs a dentist visit

" Baby is okay, we go to Dr. Uncle and he will sho the ouchie away." As soon as jin say thing jimin starts crying while shaking his head

" No, me no, go to Dr.uncle," jimin said, sobbing and jin hugged him and pat His head soothingly

" h-he w-will give ouchie," jimin said, snuggling in jin chest

" shh baby, he will not give my baby ouchie, " jin said softly

" You know, one time i also go to Doctor, he gave me bigggggggg injection in my mouthhh " jungkook said dramatically while laughing internally, and jimin started crying again

" jungkook, dont scare him," jin warned him while glaring, and he was laughing, amused

" Baby, he is just scaring you. Nothing will happen," jin said softly, and jimin crying turn into sniffles

" i will go on one condition," jimin said, showing his cute finger, and jin smiled

" No ouchie, promise," jimin said and showed his pinky finger

" Promise hmm, no ouchie," jin said, intertwining his pinky with jimin Pinky

" otay," jimin said and snuggled in jin embrace while jin patted his head and called the dr and booked an appointment

In the hospital

Jimin was completely terrified throughout the ride, and jin was comforting him

They were sitting in the waiting area, and jimin was continuously saying

" hyungie, you promise me no ouchie," jimin said, teary eyes, and jin wiped his tears soflty while nodding

After a while, they entered the room, and jimin was hugging jin tightly

" hyy plzz sit," dr said smiling and jin sitting with jimin on his lap

" i asked for xray have tou done that?" Dr. asked and jin gave him the x-rays report. He looked at it and hummed

" looks like this little bean his been eating a lot of candies, hmm," Dr said while examing the report

" So it's nothing to worry about. i will just clean up the cavity and do the filling," Dr said, smiling while jin nodded

" Hyy little bean, how are you?" Dr. asked to jimin, who just snuggled more in jin's chest, terrified

" You make him sit on the seat and sit beside him. i will come in a minute," dr said smiling and getting up

" chim baby," jin called softly, and jimin sobbed soflty

" my brave baby, we will eat ice cream ofter this okay bun, lets take your ouchie away " jin asked and got up from the seat he made jimin to sit on the dental chair but he was clutching his shirt tightly while looking at him with teary eyes and ahooking hia head

" n-no n-no," jimin said, shaking his head

" Baby, i am here . I am right here, calm down," jin said softly and sat beside him.and started to talk to him to make him calm

After a while, the dr came with the apparatus, and jimin freaked out again, but jin managed him

" Baby, open your mouth, show uncle where the ouchie is," jin cooed, and jimin opened his mouth and dropped the mouth retractor  gently, and then he started to prepare the numbing shot

Jin gently takes both his hands in his, and with the other hand, he holds his head firmly, and the dr quickly turns around and inserts the needle

" ahahhahh," jimin yelped and closed his eyes tightly

" Door, baby, my jiminie is a good big boys " jin said, wiping his tears and patting his head soflty

The rest of the process went well cause jimin didn't feel much pain he was just terrified looking at the different objects. After it was done, jin quickly hugged the boys and rubbed his back soothingly
" shh baby," jin said, rubbing his back while jimin was hugging him tightly cause he was too scared of all the stuff

" jiminie was a good boy." Dr. appreciated him and gave a prescription to jin

" This is a pain relief medication give him.if he feels pain, give him soft foods, and yeah, he can eat ice cream but in small quantity," dr said and jin nodded and went out

In home

Jimin was clingy to jin like koala while jin was making him drink the soup

" Just one bite baby, just a little  bit for hyungie," jin said soflty after a few more bites jin gave him pain relieved medicine as he started to feel the pain

" Good boys, my jimin was such a good boy today. i will buy you gift bun " jin said, cradling him, trying to make him sleep

" Me is also good, boy. i also want gift," jungkook said, pouting, jin chuckled

" okay okay sulky bunny, i will buy you too," jin said and hugged jungkook too and pecked their forehead lovingly

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