jungkook hospital

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Yoongi 30
Jungkook 21

Jungkook is standing in front of yoongi with head low because he failed his test he played the game all night, which yoongi brought as a gift for his birthday. As a result, he ended up failing test

"So, Mr. jungkook, would you like to explain this?" yoongi asked strenly

Jungkook was just looking down to ashamed to look at his hyung

"Jungkook is his how to perform in studies," yoongi again asked

"Sorry, hyung, i will do better next time," jungkook spoke lightly

"Save you sorry, and i want 50 out of 50 in your tomorrow test understand mr jungkook"
Yoongi spoke a little angryly

Yoongi would never rise his voice on jungkook he would make him understand softly but in last few test jungkook was having poor performance yoongi asked him many time to focus on studies but he didn't listen now he failed and yoongi was angry but he still manages to calm him self down

"I will only talk to you when you show me you test with full marks" yoongi said and was about to go in his room when he hear jungkook little hiss and stop for a while but goes in his room

Jungkook knew he was at fault he made his softy hyungie make so he needed to make up for that he decided to study whole noght to score good marks
He was having little pain in his lower abdomen, but he ignored it and went into his room and started to study

At night, in the dining room, yoongi made dinner and knocked on jungkook door

"Coming hyung," jungkook said and stood up from his bed but groaned in pain, and he clutched his lower abdomen

"Why it's hurting," jungkook said while gritting his teeth

"Should i tell hyungie," jungkook thought

"No, what if hyung think i am making this up to avoid test he is already angry," jungkook said to himself. When the pain subside, he stood up and went into the dining area

Yoongi served him the food, and jungkook smiled and thanked him

A sudden wave of pain hit him, but he managed it. When yoongi looked at jungkook's face, he knew something was off

"Jungkook, you okay?" yoongi asked, plainly eating his food

"Y-yeah hyung, i am fine." jungkook smiled and ate his food quietly

Jungkook studies the whole night, ignoring the pain that was increasing each passing second

In morning

Jungkook was completely worn out continuously studies and on top of pain, he was feeling extremely examing, but he managed to get up and got ready for school

In dining area

"G-good morning hyungie,"jungkook said lightly, sitting on the table

Yoongi looked at his face, and it was pale. yoongi got concerned and asked

" What happened kook you are looking pale," yoongi asked softly this time

"Nothing hyung i am fine just tired," jungkook said tiredly

"Are you prepared for your test?" yoongi asked, serving him food

"Yes, hyung, i studied all night. i will definitely top the test," jungkook said, smiling

"That's like a good boy," yoongi said and patted his head he felt his body a little warm, but he thought it was because he was tired

Jungkook tried to eat, but the pain was going worse. It passed second he was feeling neausea

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