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Yoongi looked at Jin, who smiled and patted his cheeks before standing up

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Yoongi looked at Jin, who smiled and patted his cheeks before standing up. Jin offers his hand and Yoongi took it, smiling as he wiped his tears. Walking in, they're met with the others, who sat on the couches, with Sejin on another one.

"What's the matter? Why are we all here?" Yoongi asks as he sat down, sniffling. Hoseok pats his back and smiles at him to comfort him. Yoongi smiles back at him and nodded.
"Well... The new CEO wanted me to tell you guys about this news..." Sejin says and they all frowned.

"What news? Good or bad?" Jimin asks, raising his brow.
"Well... It's up to you guys if it's a good or bad news" Sejin says and takes a deep breath.
"The new CEO wants to add a new member" Sejin says and everyone gasped.

Yoongi stood up from the couch, looking at Sejin in disbelief.
"What?! What is he thinking, hyung? We can't replace Jungkook" Yoongi says. Jin gently grabbed his hand, giving him a look, which made him sit down.

"I know but... It's the CEO we're talking about here... I wanted to disagree but he told me that I might get fired if I did..." Sejin says, sighing.
"Hyung... We haven't even moved on from Jungkook yet... You think we'll be able to accept him that fast? What does this new guy even have to be put in our group that fast?" Namjoon says and Sejin shrugs, sighing again.

"He told me that the guy will be here by tomorrow" Sejin says and Taehyung looked at the older male with wide eyes. He shook his head as an indication that he's not agreeing with this idea.

"Tomorrow? But we don't have a room for him. If he's thinking about even taking Jungkookie's room, then no. That room will stay the way it is. Jungkookie stayed in that room and it's his and only his"

 Jungkookie stayed in that room and it's his and only his"

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