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"I know" Jimin says and Yoongi looked at him

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"I know" Jimin says and Yoongi looked at him.
"The first day he had came here, you never talk nor even gave him a glance. The only time you talk to him is when you had to introduce yourself to him, hyung" Jimin says and Yoongi scratches his nape, laughing awkwardly.

"I just don't trust him, okay?" Yoongi says, chuckling.
"What were you two doing anyways?" Jimin asks, looking at the two of them.
"Uh... Well... We're researching about Pyu... But there's nothing showing up" Taehyung says, looking back at the computer, changing it to the tab they were using.

"Hey... I saw this on his things... He dropped it" Jimin says and showed something. The two stared at it and nodded.
"Hey... Look for this company" Yoongi says as he walked over to Taehyung, showing the card. Taehyung immediately types it on the search bar and they all gasped as results of a jail shows up. The three made eye contact, gulping.

"Here... Han Pyu... 30 years old-" Yoongi is cut off as Jimin gasps.
"He's 30? But he's acting like the maknae? What a fraud" Jimin says and the two nodded. Yoongi continues to read his information until they reached the part they wanted to know the most.
"He's a convicted killer" Taehyung says and the two stared back at him.
"Shit" Both said at the same time, gulping.

The three walked out of the room, it was currently 2 am and they decided to catch Pyu. Peeking out, they all gasped as they see the door of Jungkook's room, opened.
"Shit, hyung... What... He opened Jungkook's room door" Taehyung says as they stared at Yoongi.

"He better not destroy anything..." Yoongi says and continued watch the door. They see Pyu, walking out with a big smirk on his face.

"Oh, Jungkook... How sad..."


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