chapter thirty six

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the reunion was going exactly how wooyoung had expected

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the reunion was going exactly how wooyoung had expected. 

well, maybe not exactly, but wooyoung's violent past was still a hot topic that slid it's way into the conversation every now and then. but hey, at least nobody was being awkward about it and his classmates surprisingly seemed to not hold any strong grudges. 

"after that day, i didn't just stop smoking in school. i stopped smoking overall. like, woo's face would show up in my nightmares and shit like that for weeks." jaewook continued on his tale about his personal experiences with wooyoung's right fist and everybody else around the table keenly listened. "thanks, bro! it's because of you that my lungs are safe and healthy." he said to wooyoung with a playful smile of his face. 

wooyoung chuckled. "at least you're aware that you deserved it," he retorted. the boys and girls at the table burst into fits of laughter at that and jaewook only gave wooyoung a teasing glare, making wooyoung laugh even more.

"how are you guys just realizing this?" mirae defended wooyoung from next to him, giggling. "wooyoung was only rough with the guys when they bullied other classmates or broke school rules." she completed, wrapping her hands around wooyoung's arm. 

"you're shitting me. he's the last person to worry about school rules. have you ever seen him come to class more than two times a week?" chaeyeong, another female classmate of his, recalled. 

"i still remember, the principal always asked the broadcast team to stop halfway through just to make them announce that wooyoung was out of school premises, and that if anyone saw him they should report it to his desk." yeosang joined in and wooyoung glared at him. 

"i know i'm interesting but can we talk about something else now?" wooyoung said, crossing his arms. after a fit of teasing and laughing, the topic finally changed into something else and wooyoung leaned back, sighing. 

everybody seemed to clearly remember his past except him. he didn't know he'd left such a big imprint on everyone like that. "catching up with everyone feels great, doesn't it?" mirae said and wooyoung looked down at her. she offered him a pretty smile and her eyes crinkled up. "everybody's changed so much. it's nice to see them doing well."

wooyoung nodded. "yeah, i'm kinda shocked everybody turned out this well-off. good for them," he responded with a tight lipped smile. he honestly thought some of the guys would end up troubled because of the sort of shit they would pull back in high school, but if a guy like wooyoung that skipped all his classes and often went rogue could flourish, why wouldn't they?

surprisingly, it was nice to see all of them again. it brought a kind of warmth to wooyoung when he saw all the genuine smiles on their faces. he was never the type to be very considerate of other people but since these were people he grew up with, it was good to see them happy. he shook his head free of all the cheesy thoughts, going back to eating his food. 

"hey, woo," mirae whispered, shifting closer to him. "you see that guy over there? he's wearing a mask at a restaurant," she covered her mouth in amusement. "you think he's a celeb, or something?"

wooyoung looked up with furrowed eyebrows, despite not being the least bit curious. he was honestly exhausted of all the celebrity talk thanks to choi san. his eyes landed on a man dressed in comfortable yet dull clothes. he wore a black cap that shielded the top half of his face including his eyes, and a mask that covered the bottom half. he sat with his arms crossed, not shifting an inch. if he wasn't wrong, wooyoung felt like he was looking at them...? then again, the cap covering his face prevented him from confirming his assumptions. next to him was an unfamiliar middle aged man and they sat opposite to an elegant looking woman. wooyoung loosened his eyebrows and went back to his food.

"yeah, probably." he responded dismissively with food still in his mouth. being a celebrity seemed tough. how do they manage to not be tempted while sitting in front of delicious food like that? if wooyoung were in his place, he would've just given up, taken his mask off and devoured every edible thing on the table. besides, if he really was a celebrity, why did he think it was a good idea to come here out of all places? the restaurant was basically packed with people. it was relatively new as well, which meant more people would be arriving for a seat by the minute.

"i'm done eating," wooyoung said, carefully removing mirae's hands from his arm. she hummed in response, looking up at him. wooyoung glanced at her plate, which was still left untouched because the girl was preoccupied with talking like everyone else. he seemed to be the only one that was done eating. "i'll just go wash my hands and be back for drinks." she nodded and wooyoung stood up from his seat, rolling his right hand sleeve up beforehand as he made his way to the washroom. 

he funnily found himself being fascinated by the washroom, too. he'd seen his fair share of well-decorated bathrooms in expensive places but this one really took the cake. someone else entered through the door and wooyoung turned the tap on, washing his hand instead of standing there looking like a weirdo that was captivated by the aesthetics of a washroom. he took a glimpse at the mirror for a fraction of a second. huh. it was the same guy he sat across from, the one with the mask. but for some reason, the guy didn't shift. he stood there leaning against the wall by the tissue dispenser right next to the sinks, staring down at wooyoung. wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows. was this guy a weirdo or what? or was he waiting for wooyoung to leave so he could take his mask off and fix himself? maybe he really was a celebrity.

not wanting to be an inconvenience, wooyoung shut the tap off and vigorously shook his hands to dry them. he approached the tissue dispenser, hoping the guy would have moved by then, but he still didn't. he just stood there with his arms crossed, tapping his index finger against his forearm like he was expecting something. 

"excuse me," wooyoung mumbled, reaching for the tissues from the dispenser behind him. the guy tipped his head down, not even having the courtesy to face wooyoung. how disrespectful, wooyoung thought to himself. of course this douche was a celebrity. they never had manners after all. 

"nice seeing you again." the man finally spoke in a low voice that sounded almost amused. wooyoung paused for a moment. was he talking to him? wooyoung opened his mouth to respond but stopped himself as his voice resonated in his head. he sounded real familiar. 

the masked man finally looked up at him with a sparkling pair of eyes that wooyoung had seen a dozen times before and had dreaded seeing again. 


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