chapter twenty four

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"yeosang." wooyoung called out after a long moment of silence, lying upside down on his couch and heedlessly staring at the small specks of dust on the carpet. "have you ever been in love?"

yeosang, who had come over to watch football along with mingi to wooyoung's place even though wooyoung knew fuck all about the sport, choked on the chicken wings he had been gobbling down like a hungry wild animal. "woo. you scare me these days, you know that? you keep saying things you would've never cared about before." he suddenly turned to wooyoung with his eyes as wide as saucers. "do you by any chance.. have a girl?" 

"are you stupid?" wooyoung yelled defensively at yeosang, who was sitting on the floor before the table, right next to mingi. "i mean, hongjoong and the boys were talking about it yesterday so i was curious, you know." 

yeosang sighed as if he had been hoping for a yes, or something. "yeah, while you were busy beating people up and ditching school, i had a thing with our class president in high school. remember her? she was my first love." 

wooyoung knitted his eyebrows curiously. how come he hadn't heard about this for so long? the topic of love and crushes had never once made it onto the long list of things him and yeosang spoke about. and boy, did they speak about a lot of things. strange how he knew every last thing about yeosang, including his most intricate theories about extraterrestrial beings in outer space, but he was completely blind about his love life. 

"i had my first love in high school too." mingi joined in, talking while chewing on his food. "we lasted like, two months though. after that i decided i'm not going to fall in love anymore."

yeosang smacked him on the back of his head. "don't tell me you're one of those average guys that get their hearts broken once and then give up on love completely. that's a stupid mindset."

mingi shook his head rigorously. "it's not that i don't believe in love. i just.. think it's not the time for it now, you know? i decided i'm going to fall in love when i'm in my 30s." 

"why are you setting an age limit for your feelings?" wooyoung inquired curiously. he'd never heard something as weird as that. 

"because i'm happy and enjoying my life now, i guess." mingi shrugged. "i don't think a relationship will make me any more happier than i am. won't things be different when i'm 30? i'll be bored and my life will be quiet and every day will be like the previous day. i think then i'll be ready for love. i'll welcome it with open arms so it takes me out of my misery by making my life as crazy and passionate as it is right now." mingi turned to look at wooyoung. "but woo, have you never been in love?"

wooyoung obviously ignored that question. not like they waited on an answer, anyway. they went back to watching football and devouring their food. even a boy as simple-minded as mingi had his own ideas about love, wooyoung thought to himself. why hadn't he ever fallen in love?maybe he should start putting himself out more...? then again, he really had no use for it. 

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