chapter twenty nine

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wooyoung had really hoped he wouldn't run into san again after what happened yesterday but luck had proved time and time again that the universe would never be on his side

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wooyoung had really hoped he wouldn't run into san again after what happened yesterday but luck had proved time and time again that the universe would never be on his side. he stared hopelessly at choi san who was right at his doorstep, dressed in his usual terrible disguise with a plastic bag in his hand.

wooyoung didn't know what was going on in the guy's mind, whether he was stuck on what happened the night before as well, and the mask shielding his expression made it harder to assume what he was thinking about.

san extended his arm and shoved the plastic bag towards wooyoung. "here. take it."

"what's this?" wooyoung asked, taking the bag from san and peeking inside. inside was three cartons of the same soy milk that he had lent san a few weeks ago, the same brand and everything.

"i figured you'd need it, since, you know." he reasoned, gesturing towards wooyoung's sprained ankle. he remembered telling him that he could take care of himself. then again, this did ease his workload.

"thank you." wooyoung murmured. he struggled to meet eyes with san even though he seemed to have come here without keeping in mind what had happened the day before.

"it's nothing," san said and clasped his hands behind his back. "what are you doing later?"

wooyoung blinked. what was it to him? maybe he was just asking out of courtesy like he always did and wooyoung was thinking too deep into things, like he always did.

"i think i'll take a nap or something..." he trailed off and san nodded. that was a lie, of course. it was seldom that he even took naps in the evening. he was probably going to sit down and watch a movie like he always did when he had free time on his hands, but why did san need to know that?

"are you expecting people over?" san's response came in the speed of light.


"oh, okay," he said. "see ya."

and with that he was gone, disappearing into his own apartment, leaving wooyoung standing there staring at his door with a confused look on his face. how did the guy always manage to be so nonchalant and kept-together? was it because he was an actor? there's no way wooyoung was the only one feeling all the things he felt. he was either really good at what he did or he wasn't a weirdo that found himself in shambles at the sight of wooyoung, the way wooyoung was whenever san was near.

why was san thinking of his wellbeing on a morning like this and bringing him groceries? was it just another act of politeness because he was trying to be a good neighbor so wooyoung would stop hating on him so much? he shook his head, putting his thoughts aside before he grew frustrated again.

it was supposed to be his last day working with choi san. thinking of it, wooyoung wondered why san was at home instead of work when it was just half past five. maybe the day just so happened to be his holiday out of a six-day work week.

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