chapter thirty

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san was never the type of guy to question himself or his behavior, to be precise

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san was never the type of guy to question himself or his behavior, to be precise. he never thought twice or even once about why he acted the way he did sometimes. for as long as he could remember he was someone who had always done what he wanted whenever he wanted, having hardly any worry about how it could potentially affect him or his acting career. one could say that his fame had slowly made him shameless.

maybe that's why he kicked seonghwa out of his apartment and purposely typed the wrong address into the food delivery app, not even stopping to consider the possibility that wooyoung would just accept the prepaid food. he could've thought the deliveryman wasn't just at the wrong apartment but the wrong building in the complex, too, and he would've never come knocking at san's door like he expected him to. but hey, he did, so that's all that matters, right?

and maybe that's why san was spending the evening of his only holiday out of the week with wooyoung, watching a movie at his own place, sitting side by side in a darkened room.

less than half of his focus was on the movie running on the tv screen in front of him. rather, it was on wooyoung, who was fully engrossed in the film while biting down on the slice of pizza in his hand every now and then. wooyoung didn't need to know this, but san had already watched the same movie earlier in the morning with seonghwa.

they were already halfway through the movie, and much to san's disliking, wooyoung and san had hardly exchanged five sentences throughout the sitting.

"ah, the pizza is almost over," wooyoung complained passively like he heard san's thoughts, still not lifting his gaze off the movie. "don't you have more food in the house?"

"huh? oh, no." san replied. his fridge was basically like his apartment, meaning there was nothing in there besides the essentials. "do you want me to order some more pizza?"

wooyoung shook his head vehemently. "there's a really good chicken place right next to the complex and they deliver really quick," he said, mouth still stuffed with food. "order from there, it's called chicken deli. oh, and get the teriyaki chicken. it's delicious."

san gazed at wooyoung as he spoke about food like he was a chicken connoisseur of some sort and silently grinned to himself. "got it." he complied, opening the food delivery app on his phone and placing the order, remembering to change the address back to his own.

"i can get beer for us while we wait, if you want." san asked but wooyoung was quick to interrupt.

"no. no alcohol," he commanded, glaring at san. "do you not remember what happened the last time you got drunk?"

"yeah. you're probably right."

san was worried wooyoung would've been awkward and quiet because yesterday was clearly on his mind, but somehow, he was completely fine and behaved as if nothing had happened. it was obviously because of how engrossed he was with the movie; san had noticed wooyoung took his movies and tv shows quite seriously, and he was now grateful for that. it was the perfect excuse for him to see wooyoung without making him uncomfortable.

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