chapter twenty three

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"he really did look like choi san

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"he really did look like choi san." jongho mumbled, playing with the food on his plate.

hongjoong had called the boys out to treat them to dinner out of the blue, but wooyoung had a hunch that it had something to do with what happened a few days ago when san barged into their workplace like that.

and wooyoung hadn't been going to work for the past two days, so maybe hongjoong had gotten tired of waiting for him to show up so he could ask all the questions he had. couldn't he have chosen a better day, though? wooyoung was all worn out from spending his entire morning and afternoon helping choi san at his set. as if the physical work wasn't tiring enough, being woken up so early had fucked with his circadian rhythm.

wooyoung sighed. it was only half past seven but he wished he was in bed already. of course, every inconvenience in his life since meeting choi san was in one way or another, connected to him. "well i'm sorry to be the one to bring down your high hopes. but it wasn't him." he could only hope his tone and mannerisms were convincing enough.

hongjoong crossed his arms, fishing out the food stuck between the gaps of his teeth with his tongue. he had that stubborn yet wavering look in his eyes, making wooyoung clench his jaw in irritation of being caught. hongjoong was, after all, the smartest one out of all of them.

"then again," he began, "he was wearing a mask and a hat. suspicious attire for someone who isn't trying to hide their identity, but, he could've also been someone who somewhat had the same height and eyes and voice as choi san...?" hongjoong trailed off, as if he himself realized how stupid the words that had just come out of his mouth sounded.

mingi clicked his tongue. "why are we obsessing over it so much? wooyoung himself said it wasn't him, and woo has nothing to lie for! let's just drop it, yeah?" he complained, "and let's just eat."

hongjoong huffed. "yeah, you're right." he gave in quite easily. "i shouldn't call you boys out just to put everyone in the spot like this."

watching everyone return to their food, wooyoung let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. he could buy mingi three new rolls royce cars out of gratefulness if his bank balance allowed it. he shoved a whole dumpling in his mouth and stared outside the big glass window, mindlessly watching all the people walking back and forth.

"speaking of choi san, have you guys heard about his new movie with seonghwa?! i thought they were just rumors but it's been confirmed." jongho exclaimed, igniting yet another conversation about the one person wooyoung didn't want to talk about.

"yeah, i heard about it! it's all everyone's been talking about, so of course. i bet a thousand dollars this is going to be the movie of the century." mingi fangirled, clapping his hands like a seal. the other two nodded and hummed in agreement, but wooyoung stayed silent. seeing how excited they were at the very mention of choi san, if he had really been caught with him, it would have been great trouble. he really dodged a bullet there, thanks to choi san's horrible disguise that somehow worked.

MY ACTOR | woosanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें