Neco arcs sarenades male reader

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A/n: I'm not doing this one...

Producer: it's in the line up, you have to do it

A/n: ugh...if this is your way of getting back at me for the lion king, I can assure you
This makes us far from even

Producer: ok places everyone

Neco: nyo nyo~

A/n: just keep that thing away from me
Most people don't even know what anime you're from

Things start out pretty normal for you as usual. You head to your 9 to 5, doing the same 8 hours with an hour for lunch.
You have a friend who is a security guard, unlike you he doesn't get lunches he just eats on the job. You never realize how much you can take lunches for granted, you have people who complain when they have half an hour or 15 minutes for lunch how would you feel having 0 minutes for lunch.

You go on...idk tinder or something matching with every girl swiping right constantly like a madman.

Y/n: phew...ok that's enough scrolling for now

You go and watch whatever on the TV until your phone goes off and you check it.
You see a notification of a match on your phone:

 You see a notification of a match on your phone:

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Y/n: ....god damn it I forgot to take my schizo meds again

You go to take the medicine and and pass out on your couch.
But then you get another chime on your phone.

Y/n: what is it now?

You see another notification and it's a request for a private message. You start talking with this new match.

Y/n: hello there

Nekuwu6664444: general kenobi

Y/n: ...I love you

Nekuwu6664444: are a bold one

Y/n: in all seriousness though, you have any hobbies or anything not mentioned on your bio?

Nekuwu6664444: how about I tell you in person at the generic restaurant?

Y/n: yeah, absolutely
See you at 6 Saturday?

Nekuwu6664444: hell yeah

You get dressed up and head out to your date. Also taking a gun just in case you get catfished.
Sure enough when you arrive, you see someone wave you over.

???: Y/N! over here!

Y/n: oh wow...

You sit down and look at her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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