chapter thirty one

Start from the beginning

if he was completely truthful, wooyoung was gravely concerned about the person he was turning into. his hatred for san ran deep for miles and even the very sight of the actor's face made him want to drop everything and die. if he was so self-aware of his hatred for the guy, why exactly did he kiss him back? he struggled to understand himself. it was like san had put him in a trance of some sort, seeing how wooyoung had only begun to act in unfamiliar ways after san came into his life.

he knew that choi san, unlike him, was confident, stuck-up and poised. a guy like him would never regret his actions because he'd never think twice about anything, anyway. for all he knew, san was probably out there somewhere with no concerns on his mind, living his life trouble-free. wooyoung on the other hand was someone who never had any complains about his tedious and boring days, regardless of how repetitive they seemed. so when his mundane life was faced with a change so big that it set him off-track, it was a given that he'd be an overthinking mess. it must be nice to be a privileged person like choi san. you could practically freestyle with your life and no one would stop you.

"um, why don't you just ignore him?" yeosang gave his simple stupid solution and leaned back in his seat. easier said than done. from the very beginning, wooyoung had told himself each and every day that he would try harder than the previous day to ignore choi san. and how did that go, you may ask? of course, it ended with him in san's apartment, smooching the guy, for fuck's sake.

knowing san to some extent, he would definitely try to reach out to wooyoung again. even thinking about it made wooyoung's heart pound with anxiety. why was it so hard to come up with a solution? did he really have to resort to moving away so he could finally bring the situation to an end? it seemed like an extreme measure but wooyoung was desperate enough that he had started to consider it. "it won't work." wooyoung mumbled and yeosang sighed.

"you have a sprained ankle too, so you can't use work as an excuse." yeosang reminded and wooyoung plummeted deeper into his state of despair. was yeosang even trying to make things better for him?

"how about this? why don't you stay at my place until your ankle is healed?" he offered. now that sounded like a solution.

wooyoung fixed his posture, finally feeling a small fraction of hope. "what about your roommate, though? don't you live with yunho now?" he briefly knew yunho because they did work at the same place after all but they weren't all that close outside of work.

yeosang shrugged. "well he won't mind. besides, all he does is go to the studio and when he comes back we either watch a movie or play video games, and then we go to sleep. you can even move in today if you wanna. but you're gonna have to use the couch, though. i'm not sacrificing my bed for you and neither will he."

wooyoung rolled his eyes. all the times he'd let yeosang crash at his place and use his bed, and this was how he was being repaid? not that he cared, though. what really mattered was that he was far, far away from the likes of choi san.

"deal. but how am i gonna get all my stuff?" wooyoung said. now that he'd possibly kept the trouble at bay for even a little while, he could finally enjoy the food on the plate in front of him instead of overthinking until his brain exploded into tiny gross little pieces.

"mm. don't worry about it, just eat," yeosang's voice was muffled by the food he had in his mouth. "we'll go get them after we're done."

wooyoung bounced his knee apprehensively, waiting for yeosang to come down.

yunho had been kind enough to give them a drive from the restaurant all the way to wooyoung's apartment complex. now of course, he couldn't possibly go all the way up there and get his things on his own, right? what if san came knocking on his door? what if wooyoung walked past san and he tried to initiate a conversation? what if he ended up making out with the guy on his couch again? needless to say, he really would've been setting himself up for failure by putting himself right in the line of fire like that. so of course, he sent yeosang to fetch his things for him instead.

he tightly closed his eyes as the events of the previous day came rushing back to his mind again. why did he even pull san back like that? he had basically made things a dozen times worse for himself. wooyoung refused to admit that as soon as their lips locked, all those feelings he had, the burn in his chest and the rapid beating of his heart, all of it started to make sense. but wooyoung would literally be caught dead before he ever acknowledged his feelings. what good was it going to do to him if he liked the kiss, anyway? san was just a celebrity that liked to toy around and wooyoung had dropped his guard for a moment. he'd never do that again.

so much for being an anti-fan.

all the events in the days that followed up to this one had only intensified wooyoung's ill-feelings towards san. it had increased by ten-fold.

yunho tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and hummed to himself as he looked around.

"damn, this place is huge," he stated, gaping in awe at the tall buildings. "i should probably shift here instead. you literally have everything you need within the complex. it's even close to the studio."

"yeah, you should, hehe," wooyoung said dismissively, growing more impatient as he stared at the building door, waiting for yeosang to come out so they could get the hell out of there.

"i've been meaning to ask, is something bothering you? you've been fidgeting the entire way here."

"hmm? oh. nothing." wooyoung responded, finally holding his knee down and facing yunho. "just tired, is all."

yunho nodded and pursed his lips. wooyoung rubbed his face with his hands and sighed. all he wanted to do was sleep. he had only asked yeosang to get the essentials so what was taking him so long? from next to him, yunho laughed derisively and wooyoung looked up at him. "what's up?"

"are they celebrities or something? why are they walking around like that? i thought covid was over." yunho pointed out and stared amusedly at the men few feet ahead of their car. wooyoung looked in their direction curiously. they were both dressed in dark clothes, wearing masks and caps. it was attire that wooyoung had seen one too many times and his heart dropped to the very bottom of his chest like his worst nightmares were coming true.

"oh, shit, i think i dropped my phone." yunho muttered and turned the dome light on, shuffling around his seat in search for it. was he trying to put them in the spotlight, or something? wooyoung swallowed his spit apprehensively. the light from the inside of the car had grasped the attention of the same man wooyoung had been trying so hard to run away from.

choi san, who was slowly making his way to the building with his hands in his pockets, glanced towards wooyoung's direction, eyebrows furrowing before he fully came to a stop upon probably recognizing wooyoung. the pair locked eyes and wooyoung felt his heartbeat pick up. there was no way it was a coincidence at this point; god was really testing wooyoung.

in a fit of frenzy, all wooyoung could do was stare back with eyes like a deer caught in headlights, although his mind was in shambles. he couldn't even bring himself to blink; he was frozen in his spot like a tree. for some reason, san's intense gaze always seemed to hold wooyoung down in place. san's eyes momentarily shifted to yunho who was busy dusting his phone, before he was dragged away by the other masked man.

wooyoung let out a breath he had been holding up until then, placing a hand to his chest. like his timing couldn't be worse, yeosang exited the building with a heavy looking duffel bag in hand.

"did i take too long? sorry guys," yeosang panted as he threw the bag into the backseat before getting in and shutting the door. wooyoung only bit down on his lip so he wouldn't let loose all the colorful vocabulary that was threatening to come out. how fucking convenient.

hopefully san hadn't caught on, right?

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