Chapter 33 Save Them

Start from the beginning

"Heartless?! Oh no! Where is Cassidy?! She has to stop this!" Roxas yelled as he banged his keyblades into some animatronic clown.

Sora looked around the room for a moment, looking past the animatronics trying to gang them. He saw no sign of a golden bear or a ghostly figure. "She isn't here! Or... maybe she is but she's watching from afar," Sora said as he helped Roxas, but smacking a Bonnie away from him. Sora jumped behind Roxas's back, to cover him. "Hayner, stand over there, beside us, cover us from the right side!"

Hayner did so, but as soon as he did, Sora noticed a lot of darkness flowing on the ground.

"Oh no..." Sora said.

It started to flow along the floor until it started to form something.

Sora's eyes widen. 'Oh shit...' He said to himself. Either this was the dark figure, or some massive Heartless was going to summon.

"What is that? Is that the dark figure?" Roxas asked, as the darkness started to take the shape of something, they couldn't make out what it was.

"I don't know! I can't even see!" Hayner yelled as he was focusing on blowing the animatronics up with his arrows.

Sora noticed that the darkness was taking longer to take form. The dark figure never took this long. It started to rise as it formed, it seemed taller.

That's when it started to form a visible object. It looked like an animatronic. Sora gasped from seeing it. His eyes drifted to one of the animatronics, that was about to attack him. The Bonnie animatronic, that had the red cheeks.

Whatever darkness this was, looked exactly like it. Just... completely dark.

Sora still wasn't sure if it was the Heartless or the dark figure. He was about to warn Roxas and Hayner. But, when his eyes looked at the robotic rabbit that hard darkness flowing on it, Sora started to feel weak. "Ahh..." Sora said out of breath. He felt like he was going to pass out.



He heard someone say something, Sora gasped and looked up. He looked around. He was in a hallway. It looked like a restaurant. The rug, with the pretty designs on it, was in most of the restaurant's arcade rooms. The hallway had doors on either side and some windows. A thunderstorm was happening outside. "Where am I?' Sora said to himself as he looked around.


Sora heard that strange voice again. "Who's there?" He looked around. None of his friends were with him. He felt worried, where did they go? The last thing he saw was that dark rabbit.


"R-Roxas? H-Hayner? Where are you?" Sora looked down the hallway, it was pitch black. Sora summoned his keyblade and did a small spell to have the fire magic shine at the tip of his weapon, the keyblade glowed and lit up his path. "H-Hello?" He called out. He looked around the hill, he was scared to traverse the long ominous corridor.


He continued to hear this strange voice. It's like it was coming down the hallway. He was hesitant to walk down. He took a deep breath. He knew he had to walk. He slowly started to move off.


Sora gulped. He had no idea where he was. Roxas and Hayner was no where around him. He slowly started to walk down the hallway, holding his keyblade out in front of him. "W-Who is there?" He called out.


He felt on edge. Was this Cassidy's doing? Could she have teleported him away from his friends? "Cass... if you are there... stop it. You don't need to do this because you're angry..." Sora said. "We can work this out..." He said.


Sora then started to realize what he was hearing. "Are those... letters?" It didn't sound like Cassidy's voice. He stopped for a second. Then it spoke again...


Sora blinked. "Did... it say M?" He looked around for a moment. He was scanning his surroundings for Cassidy, but then he saw the dark rabbit. It was standing down the hallway, hovering a little.

Sora gasped and quickly got into a battle stance. "What are you?!" He yelled. "I'm not afraid to hurt you if I have to! What do you want?! Are you the dark figure?"

"S...." It said.

Sora blinked.


Sora then realized it was this thing that was talking, so he tried to listen.

"V... E... T... H...E...M...."

Sora tried to understand. He tried to repeat what he was hearing to himself. "S... a... v... e... t... wait..." Sora said. "A-Are... you spelling out... Save Them?"

The dark rabbit stood dormant as Sora asked that question. Then, it spoke. "Save Them..." It said.

Sora didn't know what to make out of that. Was this thing... good?

"Save Them... From her...." It said. "She has to be stopped. Her anger is reckless. Save them... Sora..."

Sora stood there, staring at the rabbit.

"You... want me to help the spirits?! But you look like darkness!"

The rabbit stayed silent for a while. Then it spoke. "I am... dark remnant..." It then disappeared.

Sora felt a zap go through him, then he saw the Bonnie animatronic with the torn face, up in his about to punch him in the face.

"Ah!" Sora yelled as he smacked his keyblade at it.

Sora looked around, he saw Roxas and Hayner were still attacking the animatronics. It was like Sora never even left.

Sora took a deep breath. He didn't know what just happened, but he knew he had to stop Cassidy from doing this.

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