Chapter 34: The Old Man

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Sora took his keyblade and bashed it into Freddy who was about to strike him. "Guys, this is Cassidy's doing. All of it is," Sora said, and he jumped over Foxy, then slashed his weapon, into the animatronic Fox's back.

"Yeah, no shit Sora!" Hayner yelled as he shot one of his arrows at an animatronic that looked like a dancing ballerina.

"But what do we have to do? Where even is she?!" Roxas yelled, looking around. It was getting really hectic. There were too many animatronics. And it was getting hard to take them all. The darkness was rampant, and it was making the animatronics even harder to take down. Some Heartless even showed up, which just gave the three more problems to deal with.

"This is hopeless! My arms are about to give out!" Roxas cried as he slashed his keyblades into Afton's second animatronic form.

Sora got into a stance and slashed Freddy again. They just kept on coming back. Over and over. He had already defeated Freddy just before, and here it stood again. Sora then raised his keyblade once more to fend off the relentless onslaught. No matter how many times they defeated these mechanical nightmares, they returned, as if mocking their efforts. Sora didn't want to admit it, but it was getting hopeless. There were just heavy swarms of animatronics coming up to them.

Roxas slashed one final animatronic, and Hayner shot another bow that got rid of a few at one time.

The trio fought valiantly, but they were soon forced to retreat against the overwhelming odds, pressed against a wall with countless animatronics closing in.

"Guys, unless you two think of a heavy spell... we are doomed," Hayner said.

"We can't Hayner! We are still low on magic! We can't possibly do that," Sora said.

Then, all of a sudden the animatronics disappeared.

Sora and the rest of the two stared at the spot the animatronics were in.

"...W-Where did they go?" Roxas asked.

Sora frantically looked around for the door. He had thought their time in this part of the world was over-

But that wasn't the reason.

Cassidy reappeared, with the golden Freddy suit over her ghostly body.

Sora gasped as the eerie animatronic bear loomed over them.

"Cassidy!" Sora yelled, "Why did you do this to us?!"

"You... Survived it...." She said. "Strange," Her eyes flickered. She slowly drifted to the ground. Her legs didn't land, she still stayed hovered. Sora and his friends watched her wearly. "I guess that's what happens when you have magical powers... You can divert the madness created by someone else..."

"Why did you do this to us?" Sora questioned again. It's not our fault that Afton escaped—"

"Silence!" Cassidy yelled, her eyes glowed the white light even brighter. "If you three didn't come to my world... I would have had my plans done well," She said. "As someone who's basically the world police, you should know it's not alright to meddle in other worlds!" Cassidy yelled. The darkness flowed rampant from her body.

Roxas looked at Sora, then back at Cassidy. He didn't take his hands off his keyblades, and Hayner didn't move his bow from her.

"It's pretty clear that you can not go down without a fight... and I fight is what I shall give..."

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