Chapter Twenty-Five: Amor

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Different, it was all so different.

It was all so scary, really, in a matter of a week. Myrddin had learned the most unforgivable of curses. He felt sick to his stomach. As if the darkness these curses radiated, infected him grimly.

A dark cloud followed the bright Wilde boy. Dwindling his glee and joy with magic.

He feared what exactly he was getting himself into. Yet, so he continued on, it was now autumn. His midterms neared, and the stress piled on him only grew due to the darkness he now brushed past.

Myrddin passed through the halls of hogwarts. His book bag swinging at his side. He turned a corner, stumbling into a familiar figure.

"Oh, excuse me, songbird." Myrddin looked up in shock to the handsome face of Tom.

He quickly jumped back in shock.

"S-sorry majesty." He whispered back, trying to walk past Tom.

Tom grabbed Myrddin's wrist. Keeping him from walking away.

"Where are you going, songbird?" Myrddin turned his head back in fear.

"T-to professor Dumbledore's office." Myrddin stated, trying to pull his arm back.

"Are you ok, Myrddin? You've been acting strange since our outing." He questioned, taking a few steps towards you.

"I-I'm fine! Just a little y'know jumpy." Myrddin stated.

Tom's face dropped as he pulled you in close. The distance between you was air thin, as he towered above you. His eyes seemingly peered into the deepness of your soul. He leaned down beside your ear before he began to speak.

"Don't be afraid, songbird. The more you fear it. The more it will consume you." He whispered coldly.

He pulled away before smirking.

"We'll talk later, songbird." With those words, Tom disappeared into the hallway.

Myrddin's eyes followed after him, shocked. He resisted the urge to collapse as he recollected himself. All he had left was Professor Lilpos. Then that would be it.

Myrddin took a deep breath before beginning to walk to class.

Myrddin entered the classroom, taking his usual seat towards the back.

The time had finally come. With a wisp of bright fireworks like lights. The woman of the hour made her appearance. She appeared from this sparkle of lights towards the center of the room. Quickly and efficiently introducing herself.

The woman had caramel skin and bright white eyes. Her hair was raven black and tied into a lazy bun behind her head. Her bangs parted neatly down the middle. And her hair was terribly curly.

She wore a lilac coat tailed jacket. Having intricate siblings white patterns at its brim. She had a light pink vest with a longer trim. With a white puffer tie and exotic amethyst gem holding it together. She wore a black and white stripped skirt. Her black, high-heeled boots made her an inch taller.

Regally, she made her away down the center of the classroom.

"Today's assignment is simple charmwork made advanced!" She commanded with a royalness in her tone.

Myrddin stifled his laughter before watching her begin her lecture.

"As we all know as Seventh Year students, charms is one of the most effective yet fickle forms of spellcasting. Merlin knows the trouble it would be to undo a charm that was meant to trap an opponent within a painting." She explained, and with a wave of her wand. The room quickly expanded.

The incantations and spells on the wall came off the wall and floated wildly about. Myrddin watched in amusement as the professor continued with her lesson.

"Today, we will work on the basics of charmwork once more. By reexamining the basics. We will understand the fundamentals of spell creation. Therefore, I would like every one of you to examine the properties of these spells. Hence why I gave you this entire room to study." She commanded, taking her place near the blackboard at the front of the class.

With a whirl of her wand, she conjured a chair in which to sit in.

"Your goal, successfully create an offbranch of the spell of your choosing. For example. Lumos Maxima is a spell that was an offbranch of Lumos. If you can successfully do this. You pass this class." She stated, conjuring a glass of tea.

"You may begin."

Myrddin groaned, watching as people began to jump into action. The subject of the lesson today was interesting sure. But it was truly elementary. The easiest thing and likely one of the things most people would do is simply adjust the amount of output from a spell. Elementary, yet so, maybe today Myrddin would actually try today.

The whole Tom situation, however, put Myrddin at a bit of an unease. So much so that he hadn't the heart to embrace the situation that was going on now.

Heart. . . Wait, that's an idea.

"Expecto Patronum." With a wave of his wand, a pleasant noise whistled as Myrddin's patronus fluttered around him.

A phoenix flew about royally as it flew right above Myrddin.

"A patronus is meant to display the truest emotion of hope and happiness. Connecting it to a form of love magic." Myrddin whispered to himself. His patronus landed next to him.

"Meaning it is a spell that accesses emotion in its truest form." He again whispered.

"Therefore, it is love. When put against a curse such as the killing one. It could easily."

"-Curious developments at play Mr. Wilde?" Lilpos questioned, appearing from nowhere.

"Oh, Professor Lilpos. Forgive me for muttering so loudly." Myrddin stated, getting an unamuzed look from Lilpos.

"Mind if I question what spell you're working on?" She questioned, looking at the notes Myrddin was writing down.

"Nothing important, just a small protection spell and-."

"An anti killing curse?" Lilpos questioned, shock filling her tone as she stared at Myrddin's notes. Her statement drew the attention of the entire class. Of whom all drew a shocked breath.

"Y-yes. It's a tad bit all over currently." He stated, which caused Lilpos to grab his wand.

"Mr. Wilde, I would like to speak with you and the headmaster immediately!" She exclaimed, turning away and treading outward.


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