Chapter Four: Auror's, Dark Wizards, & Beyond

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"So Tom how was your summer?" Myrddin questioned following Tom like a dog and it's loyal master.

"Ideal. . . I went back to an old family home. Speldid place really."

"Well that's fun. All I did was read a History of Magic. Now I feel like I want to become a historian now."

"You mine as well. Professor BinnsGórowski is getting older by the day. One day he'll just die and still continue his boring lectures."

Myrddin stifled his laughter with his hand. Before he eventually let it all out in a fit of laughter. He wiped his eyes of joy filled tears. His grinning face turned back to Tom.

"Never realized you were funny Tom."

"I wasn't trying to be."

Myrddin's smile faded for a bleek second. When it came back like the dawn coming out from a fierce storm.

"Well great job on your observation. Now then Mr. Prefect enjoy your day"

"Wait what do you mean?"

Myrddin paused before jumping off to head to his classes. He turned around with a smile.

"Well Dumbledore asked me to come with him this evening to a ministry hearing. To aid in my goal of becoming an Auror."

"I see. Well I'll see to later."

"See ya!" Myrddin exclaimed before he began to run to his class.

"So Myrddin how is it going with Tom?"

"He seems nice enough. A bit cold in nature though."

"Yes, he hasn't a need for friends." Dumbledore stated with the twinkle in his eyes fading for a brief second.

The twinkle returned when he turned around to face Myrddin, he was clothed in purple robes, exotic in color, his hat curled down to nearly reach his hair's length. His brunette hair was turning grey. With his beard following the same pattern. He pulled his hands from his sleeves.

Myrddin felt naked next to Dumbledore. Not only did his robes cover every square inch of his body. His great beard and hair covered the space left. He pulled his spectacles from his face and walked over to his desk. He placed it down onto it's wooden embrace.

"We must be going now. Professor Dippet gave us three hours. So we must be going."

He walked over to Myrddin with a smile. In a gentle tone he spoke.

"Myrddin understand that every decision you make now will impact both you and Tom's future." Dumbledore said grimly when he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I advise you to be careful with him. . ."

Myrddin felt a chill run up his spine hearing this. When Dumbledore held out his arm.

"Take my arm." Dumbledore said looking over to Myrddin.

Myrddin gave a look of surprise upon seeing this.

With a reassuring look from Dumbledore. He carefulled held onto his arm. When the two would suddenly apparate. Myrddin screamed in glee. When the two immediately disapparated within the floo chimney in the Ministry of Magic. With a green blaze of flame the two walked out. Myrddin paused absorbing what had just happened.

To which Dumbledore turned over to the young boy.

"Excellent job on apparating Myrddin."

"Thank you sir. . I really wasn't trying." Myrddin said with a laugh placing his hands on top of his knees. When his gazed shifted up to the new world around him.

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