Chapter Seven: Love's Cruel Sting

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Myrddin began to chase after Tom with great haste. Why would Tom kiss him? Why him? He was the most handsome guy in the entire school. Yet he fell for him? Myrddin wasn't even that good looking.

He had shoulder length hair, a scar that ran down from his forehead running down the side of his face into his chin, a tiny chunk of skin missing from the side of his right eye, along with cold silver eyes with a twinkle in them that always made people feel at ease. . .

Oh god was this what Tom thought?

Myrddin groaned continuing to follow Tom. The two would begin to grow closer to the school grounds. Tom turned around and pointed his wand out.

"Incarcerous!" Tom exclaimed before from his wand shot out a host of ropes.

Myrddin yelped out in surprise upon feeling the ropes grip onto him tightly. They wrapped all over his body, they gripped onto his legs and caused him to trip and fall over. With a groan he landed on the ground below hard.

Myrddin knew this spell meant no harm. He knew this spell could easily kill someone if used correctly. Myrddin sighed feeling the tight grip of those ropes.

He reached over to his sleeve. He pushed his sleeve off and pulled from it his wand. He held the wand over the ropes that bound him.

"Relashio!" In a bright color of purple the ropes released and fell limp to the ground beside him.

He pulled himself up with a great heave. With an irritated sigh Myrddin slicked back his hair and sighed. He got back up onto his feet.

"Damn it Tom."

He pulled his satchel back onto his shoulder, with a shake of his robes he was off. He had to tell Dumbledore of what just happened. Not only that but he needed to turn in his new art project, he'd have to deal with Tom later.

With a great bellow he screamed out all of the stress that enveloped him.

It was the next day towards 3 pm. Myrddin got out of his last period of school and continued on. He turned in his artwork and felt as if he was going to burn anyone you talked to him. Never before has he had this kind of mood.

Myrddin grunted at those who greeted him. Where as he would easily make a catchy greeting for the person. Like for Tom he'd likely say "Hey! Your lips are looking extra kissa-" Dark gods why?!

Myrddin reached a part of the grounds that he would agree as being secretive. That's the only way he remembered his secret hideout, he walked dover to a wall of brick. He drew his wand from his sleeve and held it out to the off colored brick.

He tapped the brick with his wand and cleared his throat.

"Fizzy Whizzbees." Myrddin let out quietly before the brick would begin to push itself in.

Before the bricks around it began to fold out from the odd colored brick, they spun out to the sides. Before they formed a square archway, they settled in their new position with a cracking sound. Myrddin walked through the archway, on the other side he outstretched his hand over to his side, the bricks reversed their former motion. Moving back into place forming a perfect wall from before.

Myrddin walked into the enchanted broom closet.

The wondrous sight of a grand room stretched across Myrddin's sight. There were supporting beams that held exotic silk blankets he used to create a room like effect. There were chests and relics that littered the place. Also a while host of mismatching furniture.

Myrddin walked through this magical mess as if it was normal for him to see. He pulled a chair out and took a seat. He groaned into his hands before he pulled his head back. He leaned back in the chair with a sigh.

"Why now?" He questioned before he looked around for his bowl of Licorice.

"What the hell? I put it around here som-"

"Are you looking for this?"

Myrddin's head turned around to his surprise stood the elderly Dumbledore. Myrddin got to his feet surprised that he was here out of the blue. The man outstretched his hand and the bowl of Licorice flew over and landed next to Myrddin.

"Professor what are you doing here? Don't you have a class to do?" Myrddin questioned with concern in his tone.

"Well I must say that my class is a rather difficult one to learn. So I out them in a study hall to practice conjuration."

"Sir! That's very difficult magic."

"Oh yes it is. But not for you." He said walking over and pulling up a chair next to you.

"But I found out that something between you and Tom happened."

"How did you know?" Myrddin questioned a bit embarrassed about this situation.

"Well Tom's recently been a bit quiet. And his attitude reflects in a way heartbreak." Dumbledore said with a gentle smile that mended Myrddin's state of being.

"How d-do you know that look?" Myrddin questioned making Dumbledore laugh a bit.

"You don't get this old without going through heartbreak."

"Who broke your's sir?"

Dumbledore sighed his eyes reflected the pain he felt about this sort of subject.

"Well his name is Gellert Grindelwald."

"The dark wizard!" Myrddin exclaimed with shock in his eyes and tone.

Dumbledore nodded with a sigh before he spoke again.

"Yes, he and I were close. Because of his now reputation you can probably imagine why I speak from the heart."

"S-so he's hurt?"

"Yes, that's why I've arranged for him to attend an after school meeting about extra credit."


"Don't worry i won't be there but you will."

"Why do what us to still be together?"

The question would stump the ever wise Dumbledore in his tracks. Before of course he spoke again.

"Tom needs you in his life. If continues on the way he is. I don't know what will happen."

This was the first time he seen it. Myrddin saw fear within Dumbledore's kind eyes. A tremble that he felt was dangerous. Myrddin sighed and combed back his hair.

"I-I guess I'll try to talk to him then."

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