Chapter Twenty: The Dark Promise

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"Myrddin! Myrddin!" Myrddin's eyes shot open as Tom hovered above him.

"T-Tom?" He questioned, pulling himself up in his bed.

To the side, Slughorn and Myrddin's roommate named Leopold stood there in shock. Myrddin sat up as Tom held onto his hand.

"Leopold said that you were calling me?" Tom questioned, causing Myrddin to shake his head.

"I must apologize, I was having a nightmare." Myrddin answered.

"Well, you gave us quite a scare there, dear boy." Slughorn chimed in.

"Indeed, Myrddin, we all in the room heard you yelling Tom at the top of your lungs." Leopold replied, crossing his arms.

Myrddin frowned before Tom turned back to the two.

"Maybe it would be best if he slept with me for the evening. If that's ok with you, Professor Slughorn." Tom questioned, answered by a nod from Slughorn.

"Of course, dear boy. Normally, Professor Dippet wouldn't allow it. However, I fear that poor Myrddin here has a need for company. Although I would prefer that you both stay in the common room." Slughorn offered answered by a nod from Tom.

"That would be great, professor. Right, Myrddin?" Tom questioned, looking to Myrddin.

Myrddin was shook as his vision of Tom's crimson eyes staring at him. Myrddin looked away, causing a frown to appear on Tom's face. Slughorn frowned before nodding.

"I shall leave it to you, Mr. Riddle." Slughorn stated before he quickly left the room.

Leopold nodded before returning to his bed. Tom helped Myrddin out of his bed. Leading him through the room and long snake like corridors to the Common Room. Tom pointed his wand towards the fireplace.

"Incendio." From his wand, a stream of flame flew forward. Instantly starting the fire.

Tom sat Myrddin down, sitting adjacent to him. Myrddin watched the fire burning. The image of the Skull burned into his memory with such evil. He shook as Tom took his hand into his own. Myrddin looked up at the boy who smiled.

"What's wrong, songbird?" He questioned.

Myrddin looked away with a slight sense of fear in his gaze. Tom, noticing this, pulled Myrddin in closer.

"What's the matter, Myrddin?" He again questioned, being slightly more firm. Myrddin looked to Tom with such remorse.

"Oh, Tom!" Myrddin moaned, his eyes erupted in tears as he embraced Tom.

Tom held onto the other boy as he listened to Myrddin's plight.

"I had a 'dream' that you were suddenly a dark wizard. And there was this mark. A skull with a serpent spiraling from its mouth. You summoned this mark after you killed a poor muggle." Myrddin explained, crying into Tom's shoulder.

A sly smirk appeared over Tom's face before he twisted it into an understanding frown.

"How terrible. This sounds a lot more vivid than any dream I've heard of." He replied, continuing to hold onto Myrddin. Tom helped wipe Myrddin's eyes as the two stared at one another.

Myrddin frowned before pulling Tom's left arm up. Lifting his own left arm in front of Tom.

"We make a promise. From this day forth." Myrddin stated, causing Tom to smile.

"A promise songbird?" Tom questioned, taken aback from Myrddin's sudden seriousness.

"Yes, one that sets forth that we both shall not delve into killing others." Myrddin stated, grabbing Tom's pinky with his own.

"Agreed?" Myrddin questioned.

"Very well, songbird. I promise you that we both will not kill others. So long as we both continue to love each other as much as we do." Myrddin's heart was set aflame before he nodded.

"Ditto." Myrddin replied before raising his wand towards their pinkies.

"Amor Promitto." He whispered before a crimson light flew from his wand.

The light spiraled from both pinkies, splitting into two parts. The crimson light spiraled down before setting into both boy's arms.

The crimson settled into black tattoos on both boy's arms. The tattoos had differed between both boys. On Myrddin's arm, an eery sight met him. A skull sat on top of a serpent. The Serpent spiraled out from its mouth. Whilst on Tom's arm, a heart with a flaming phoenix was wrapped by a serpent.

The two looked up at one another. Myrddin's eyes did its best to hide the fear in his heart. While Tom's eyes had a certain air of mischief. Either way, the night had quickly changed from the most romantic to the most sinister.

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