Chapter Eighteen: What a little Moonlight Can Do

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The room was elegantly decorated. The floors were decorated with black and white flower designs. With green and white curtains lining the walls. Covering yellow tinted tall windows, having designs of serpents covering them. Dim rays of moonlight peered through the open windows. The walls, too, were decorated with the same motif carved in stone. Candelabras decorated the walls, creating a romantic setting.

At the center of the room was an ornate table with two equally orange chairs at their sides. The table had a flower vase on it, beside it a candle.

Myrddin summoned a smile before Tom waved his hand in the air.

"May I take your coat?" He questioned before a force took the coat from your shoulders.

His own coat, too, was taken away. They both neatly placed themselves on a nearby coat rack.

"Thank you." Myrddin replied, dusting off his vest.

Tom walked over to the table. Myrddin followed after taking his place at one end of the table. Tom pulled the chair for Myrddin. Allowing him to take a seat first. After setting Myrddin in, he walked to the other end, taking his own seat.

Myrddin admired the room more before looking to Tom with a smile.

"If I remember Gamp's principles, and I do, one can not simply conjure food. Even I can't do this." Myrddin stated with a laugh.

Tom smirked before he nodded. He pulled his wand from his pocket, pointing it to the table.

With a white light and quiet ringing, plates formed across the table. It was with another wave of his wand that food appeared from nowhere. Myrddin watched in wonder before realising the spell that was used.

There was a fine assortment of food spread across the table. There was a baked chicken covered in herbs. A certain potato dish that Myrddin couldn't identify. As well as a tall white cake decorated like a mountain with snow. Along with other smaller dishes of vegetables and other foods.

"Tom, the food better not taste like rubbish." Myrddin stated.

"Of course not, merely transported it from the kitchen." Tom answered with a sly smile.

Tom laughed before again, summoning two glasses. Myrddin pulled his own wand out. With a wave, a light blue light glowed.

"Aguamenti." Myrddin whispered, summoning water in the glasses.

Tom smirked before conjuring a set of cutlery for him and Myrddin. Myrddin lifted his wand in the air, pointing it towards the chicken.

"Diffindo." With a downward strike, the chicken was cut clean in two.

Tom waved his wand in the air. The food began serving itself for the both of them.

"So Tom, if I may ask. Why is it you invited me to this social?" Myrddin questioned, picking up a nearby fork to begin dining.

Tom smiled, following after Myrddin to eat.

"I do believe this is what friends do, no?" He questioned. Myrddin paused, placing his utensils down.

"Are you sure we're just friends," Myrddin questioned back, feeling the area that Tom had bitten.

The Riddle boy looked away in embarrassment. He took a moment to pause as to contemplate his neft move. He then peered back at Myrddin before he smiled.

"Whatever do you mean?" Tom questioned. Myrddin slammed his hands into the table before rising to his feet.

"People just don't go about leaving a Love Mark on another person. Especially a mark that was meant to keep another person off of me!" Myrddin exclaimed, summoning a pent-up rage within himself.

Tom watched as the boy reacted in such a way. Inside himself, he felt as if his plan was going right through the movements.

"Well, maybe the thought behind it was much more sincere than you believed." Tom stated, setting his own utensils down. Myrddin looked back with a hunt of confusion in his look.

"What if this supposed mark to cause harm was caused by a hint of jealousy? What if maybe the person that placed this magic upon you merely wanted you and you alone to be his?" Tom questioned, also rising from his chair. He walked around the table in front of Myrddin.

With a twirl of his wand, the ring at Myrddin's finger pulled itself off. His own ring pulled itself from his finger, too. The Bellflower ring and Tom's Ring spiraled around each other. Myrddin watched in wonder as the rings expanded in size.

"Listen, Myrddin, that spell was made through a love mark for a reason. I, I sharw deep affection for you Myrddin, and I don't want anyone else to say that to you." Tom lovingly stated as the two rings began to speed up.

Myrddin smiled, causing the rings to speed up even faster.

"Tom, I, I also share deep affection for you too." The rings came to a stop as Myrddin looked into Tom's eyes.

The silver of Myrddin's eyes met the black of Tom's. The two rings parted ways the two rings took their place on both their ring fingers. Myrddin, with Tom's black stoned ring, Tom with Myrddin's Bluebell ring.

Myrddin watched as the ring snuggly fit to his finger. He smiled, looking back up to Tom. Tom wrapped his arms around Myrddin. Pulling him closer in. The taller Tom looked down, kissing Myrddin.

The moonlight pouring in so perfectly.

As if by magic, a gentle jazzy tone filled the room. The room suddenly spawning a record player that played Billie Holiday. The song "Easy Living."

Tom, as if on instinct, began to sway with Myrddin. Their feet move in the sync to the gentle piano beginning. It was rather all perfect in Myrddin's head. Alas, how perfect a devil's song is. For the devil himself was once an angel.

Indeed, an angelic feeling, yet so with devilish implications.

The phoenix truly was in the serpent's mouth. How terrible the venom will sting.

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