Chapter Twelve: The Invasion of Nurmengard

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Myrddin held his wand under him. With his free hand, he cleaned off his wand. A gold light appeared at the end of his wand. Quickly, he fed his wand into the barrier. The gold light struggled as the white light of the barrier tried to overcome Myrddin's magic. However, Myrddin's wand made it through the barrier. The wand made a perfect hole in the barrier.

Meanwhile, Dumbledore noticed a slight change of shadow in front of him. A quick wave of his wand summoned a barrier around the two.

"Stupefy!" Two dark wizards exclaimed, appearing from their invisibility charms.

Two crimson blasts quickly fired, exploding as they met the barrier. Dumbledore waved his wand the barrier around Myrddin, and himself expanded. The barrier pushed back the two dark wizards, sending them to the ground.

With another wave of his wand, a certain sound rang out. A white light glowed from his wand. From the ground beneath the two, vibes grappled onto the two. Disarming them of their wands.

Dumbledore looked back up, hearing more footsteps coming closer.

"Hate to bother you, Myrddin, but I believe we are in trouble." He stated, outstretching his wand.

"Sorry, sir. Difficult locks take a long time." Myrddin stated quickly, pulling his wand from the hole. Quickly trading it with the stick he grabbed.

The barrier flinched slightly, but the hole remained. Myrddin smirked before placing his wand in his mouth.

He rubbed his hands across the barrier. Revealing an intricate pattern of spell work and lock patterns. Myrddin smirked, looking to the stick that allowed a gap in the barrier.

Like a maze game, he merely had to find an area that would allow for a larger hole.

Meanwhile, Dumbledore got to work on the group of incoming wizards. Setting charms and jinxes in front of himself.

When the dark wizards came, they were quickly trapped in ropes and chains. As well as turning into dirt on the ground.

Meanwhile, those who passed through all tried to attack once more. They were met instead by powerful jinxes that had two wizards attached by the hip and missing their feet. While others had been flung backward and trapped in the ground. Along with a few thrashed about, caught in trees, and the ground.

Dumbledore chuckled, putting together a neat collection of wands.

He looked back to the now corroding barrier stemming from where Myrddin was sat. Dumbledore looked down, finding that Myrddin, instead of making a larger hole, completely tore it apart.

Myrddin sat in disbelief, seeing the barrier fall apart. He looked back to Dumbledore and laughed.

"Guess I overestimated the counter-spell." Myrddin stated, laughing.

Previously, Myrddin had been taking his wand slowly across the maze. Navigating carefully enough that there were multiple areas in which he navigated. It was carefully done as so Myrddin didn't trigger the barrier's magic.

The intricate maze was starting to get on Myrddin's nerves. Especially considering that there was a maze within the maze. Meaning that there were extra enchantments placed. More than Myrddin was accustomed to breaking.

In his mind, Myrddin thought, "What if I just overload the maze?"

He looked up to the other lights, navigating through the other mazes. Myrddin smirked devilishly before he waved his hand in the air. Across the entire barrier, Myrddin faced lights appeared in multiple mazes.

The lights had gone mad.

Jumping back and forth, up and down down the corridors of the maze. Myrddin had such a level of concentration that even in the frigid temperatures, he began to sweat.

It was only then when the mazes corridors began to stretch. Widening the strands of magic that made the barrier.

Myrddin quickly grabbed onto the stick in the barrier. Turning it and twisting it, which widened the hole it was in. And like that, it was cake work.

The barrier had massive holes ripped from it. The strands of magic decayed into nothing as Myrddin laughed.

"Splendid work." Dumbledore stated, walking towards the entrance of the castle's walls.

Above the entrance was an arched sign that read: "For the Greater Good."

Dumbledore's smile dropped seeing this sign. He outstretched his wand towards the door.

"Bombarda Maxima." With a strong outsretch of his wand, a bright yellow light flew from his wand.

The entrance exploded open, quickly sending the two people standing guard backward.

It was rather quickly that Dumbledore dispatched the extra guard on the castle ground. Sending them back with a bright white light from Dumbledore's wand. From out of nowhere, six extra men appeared. Their wands outstretched, they all exclaimed in union.

"Avada Kedavara!"

Myrddin swirled his wand in the air. A bright white light glowed around the two. From the ground, multiple statues formed. Cracking the ground before materializing on the surface.

Their broad frame protected Myrddin and Dumbledore from the killing curse. Each one exploded into rubble.

"Wingardium leviosa!" Myrddin exclaimed, waving his wand. Catching the falling rubble with an invisible force.

"Depulso!" Dumbledore firmly stated, swinging his wand with a broad arc.

The rubble instantly flew forward with the spell. The guards were quickly shot backward. The rubble pushing them back. The remaining guards who were able to protect themselves disapparated.

Appearing across the courtyard, flinging curses towards the two.

With another swing of his wand, Dumbledore blocked each curse. Firing counterattacks that sent a few flying back. While Myrddin waved his wand in the air.

"Reparo!" The statues quickly put themselves together.

"Piertotum Locomotor!" With another wave, the statues jumped to life.

Jumping forward to quickly attack the remaining guards. Knocking them out while breaking themselves apart. Myrddin chuckled, preparing himself again for the next group.

It was quick, Dumbledore immediately summoned a shield around both Myrddin and himself. Protecting them from a powerful blast of lightning. The blast was so strong it broke through the barrier. However, Dumbledore remained unscathed.

Myrddin's eyes widened, narrowing down on the man in front of them both.

The man's platinum silver hair blew with the cold bitter wind. His coat flowed so royally in the wind. His necktie doing the same with its white fabric. The man's silver and black eyes focused on the pair of you with such malice.

"Gellert. . ." Dumbledore calmly stated, his wand lowered slightly. This was him: Gellert Grindelwald. The darkest wizard of the age.

"Albus. . ." Grindelwald stated, a certain sound of remorse rang through his voice.

The twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes disappeared. A seriousness filled the courtyard. The greatest battle between light and dark was about to begin. And Myrddin would somehow have to help in all of this.

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