Chapter Twenty-Four: The Imperius Curse

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A sense of dread filled Myrddin as he kept himself from falling back. His wand hand trembled as he struggled to fathom his usage of the spell.

"Brilliant Songbird, truly brriliant!" Tom exclaimed, walking towards Myrddin.

He embraced Mydddin in a hug, placing a kiss on his forehead. His eyes quickly examined Myrddin's shocked face. It was as if Myrddin had done bloody murder.

Tom placed his hand around Myrddin's neck. Pulling his head towards his own. The embrace was one that eased the deep tension in Myrddin's heart. He sniffled as he tried to hold back his tears. Tom held him tighter as his arm wrapped around his waist. Pulling him into a deeper hug. This caused Myrddin to shed tears as he held onto Tom tightly.

Tom felt an uncertain pain in his chest. Something he had never felt before. It was rather disturbing.

He fought through this sudden pain as his eyes flashed a slight red. He then continued to pity Myrddin.

"You did your mother proud, Myrddin. I'm sure she can see that." He stated, whispering it into Myrddin's ear.

Myrddin sobbed into his shoulder. Muttering as he couldn't speak properly.

"I don't know if she would." He moaned, holding onto Tom.

Tom bit his lip as he resisted, throwing the boy off of him. Instead, he pulled away from Myrddin. A certain concentration in his eyes. A shiver went up Myrddin's spine as he witnessed the boy's focus.

It was as if he debated with himself over the next course of action. Tom sighed, calming his thoughts.

"We must continue Myrddin. Move onto another of the curses." Tom stated, which was answered by a shake from Myrddin's head.

"I can't Tom, no." He stated, which was met by a caressing of Tom's hand.

Myrddin huffed as he looked into the deepness of Tom's eyes.

"Songbird, this is a perfect chance for me to teach you about occlumancy." Tom comforted, holding onto Myrddin's shoulders.

"F-fine." Myrddin reluctantly stated.

"Brilliant!" Tom excitedly exclaimed, taking a few steps away from Myrddin.

"The next curse is the Imperius Curse. The incantation is Imperio. The curse allows one to completely."

"Take control of the target." Myrddin finished, holding onto his arms.

Tom nodded, pulling his wand from his robes.

"Indeed, it is a tricky spell. However, it allows one to control a mind completely. Forcing that mind to do whatever the user wants." Tom explained, summoning another statue.

"But it can be fought off." He continued.

"If a mind is strong enough, it can resist the control of the Imperius Curse. That is when the art of Occlumancy comes into play. As you likely know, Occlumancy allows your mind to avoid being read." Tom continued, walking towards Myrddin.

"I will not only teach you this curse. But also teach you to avaid it." Tom stated, pointing his wand towards the statue.

"Imperio." With a flick of his wand, a green mist flowed forward.

Encapsulating the statue before causing it to spring to life. Becoming life like it swung its sword around itself. All before it held its sword high, impaling itself. Crumbling itself into multiple pieces.

Myrddin watched, slightly horrified seeing the statue do this so naturally.

Tom looked back to Myrddin, with a wave of his wand he summoned another statue.

"Come on, Myrddin, let's practice this." Tom offered, bringing Myrddin in closer.

"Be precise in your wand movements. Now follow after me." Tom quickly showed Myrddin the curse.

Myrddin, much to his own disturbance, followed Tom's instructions closely. It was after gaining the required information that he was prepared. With a wave of his wand, Tom formed another statue.

"Alright, Songbird, just as we practiced." Tom encouraged standing to the side.

Myrddin let out a breath, pointing his wand towards the statue.

"Imperio." He commanded, firing a green mist that surrounded the statue. Making it spring to life.

Myrddin focused himself on the statue. His mouth parted to open, and he felt himself choking on his own words. He cleared his throat as he refocused himself.

The statue raised its sword high into the sky. Swinging it downward before breaking apart across the ground. Myrddin felt himself turn sick as he used the spell. With a huff, he turned away from the statue. Looking to Tom, who smiled gleefully.

"Wonderful Songbird." He walked towards Myrddin, placing his hands on his shoulders.

"The spell is not as potent on inanimate objects. We will practice later on with animate objects." He stated, patting Myrddin's head.

"Animate?" Myrddin questioned, looking down grimly.

"Yes, I'm sure you understand what I mean." Tom stated, answered by Myrddin's shocked expression.

"Yes. . ."

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