Chapter Twenty-Three: The Cruciatus Curse

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Myrddin sat with Tom. The two's hands interlocked as Myrddin explained what had just happened. Tom listened eerily close to each word he spoke. His dark eyes examined Myrddin's expressions and movements.

Myrddin wiped his eyes as he looked away. His grip on Tom's hand loosened.

Tom watched as the boy seemingly summoned a cloud above his head. A small drizzle fell on the two boys.

Myrddin looked up discouraged by the sudden materilaztion of his depression. Tom pointed his wand towards the cloud. A gold light glowed at the tip of his wand.

In the shadow of the clouds, light pierced through the clouds. Like a needle to material. Until, like a knife, the sun's light appeared above the clouds.

Myrddin smiled, seeing this small gesture.

The sadness in his heart lifted before Tom lifted Myrddin's hand to his lips. Placing a gentle kiss on the top of Myrddin's hand. Myrddin smiled before looking to Tom.

"Am I wrong to believe that Dumbledore is lying to me? As if it's all for a purpose to confuse me?" He questioned, holding on tighter to Tom's hand.

Tom shook his head in quick disagreement.

"If you really do consider him as a friend, he should never have to go through illustrious loops with you. Can someone even call that friendship?" Tom questioned quickly, rising to his feet.

"It's all so frustrating. I dislike Dumbledore for that. That's why I much prefer Professor Slughorn." Tom stated, looking to the empty perch at the side.

Myrddin sat listening, infatuated by Tom's sudden burst of passion. However, instead of a passionate speech about false truth. It was likely a rather terrible form of deception.

"He's taught me plenty of things. Even the Unforgivable Curses!" Tom exclaimed. This sent an instant sense of unease through Myrddin.

"Unforgivable curses? Majesty, even that should never be taught here at Hogwarts." Myrddin stated, rising to his feet.

"That may be true, but it's best learned as so one is prepared to defend against them. Surely Dumbledore has taught you at least a few." Tom replied.

"N-no." Myrddin stumbled.

Maybe Tom was right. If Dumbledore really did care about Myrddin, he should've at least been taught such things. Especially after their encounter with Grindelwald. If anything, Myrddin earned Dumbledore's trust at this point. The thoughts began plaguing Myrddin's mind.

Usually, his mind would at least try its best to clear itself on a decision. Myrddin rubbed his left arm, which continued to sting.

Tom looked at the confusion in Myrddin's eyes. He frowned before pulling his wand from his robes.

"Maybe Dumbledore doesn't trust you enough with the power of these curses. Even though you've already proven yourself. Well, beyond, proved yourself, really." Tom stated before pointing his wand towards Myrddin.

"I shall do what Dumbledore can't."

"Majesty?" Myrddin questioned a slight shakiness in his voice.

"I shall teach you great Prince of Charms. Teach you things that the senile Dumbledore could never." Tom commanded, taking Myrddin by the hand before leading him out.

Tom had led Myrddin out into the Forbidden Forest. The same area in which they trained with one another from the past year. Myrddin stood at the center of the clearing.

Tom took his place in front of Myrddin. His wand drewn before he began to form a statue from the ground below. After finishing, he turned back to Myrddin. A flare from his robes caused Myrddin to shiver slightly.

"I am sure that you, my beautiful songbird, have a vast knowledge over the Dark Arts, correct?" Tom questioned, walking towards Myrddin.

Myrddin merely nodded as he watched Tom get closer.

"I knew you would. After all, you are likely the most brilliant wizard of our age." Tom stated with a hunt of flattery.

Myrddin turned red before he nodded. Without notice, Tom pointed his wand towards the statue.

"Now I shall allow you to manage and understand the darkest of those magics." Tom stated before focusing on the statue.

"Crucio!" He exclaimed, firing a crimson stream of electricity towards the statue.

Myrddin's eyes widened, seeing the unforgivable curse being used so naturally. The sheer force of the electricity tore through the statue like a knife through fabric. The entirety of the statue was destroyed, crumbling to the ground. Myrddin frowned before Tom turned back to him.

"The torture curse, a rather terrible yet wonderful curse." Tom explained.

"Although, you've likely already known that, right?" Tom questioned, walking towards Myrddin.

Myrddin's face dropped as he kept his gaze away from Tom. Tom took Myrddin by the shoulders. Forcing Myrddin to look into Tom's eyes.

"Right?" Tom questioned, which was answered by a nod from Myrddin.

"The dark wizard Grindelwald was highly intrigued by my mother's research in Magical Teleportation. Which went beyond the limitations behind apparition." Myrddin explained, his eyes beginning to water.

"Because of that, my family was hunted, and we found ourselves cornered. My mother fought hard, but she found herself at the end of that curse." Myrddin stated, wiping his eyes.

Tom, seizing this moment, pulled the handkerchief from his breast pocket. Helping Myrddin wipe his eyes. Tom pulled Myrddin's head towards his. Putting their two heads together.

Tom looked into Myrddin's eyes. Myrddin's watery eyes felt at ease, looking into Tom's dark eyes. Tom grabbed Myrddin's hand, lifting it up to his lips. He gently placed a kiss before pulling away from Myrddin.

"Allow me, songbird, to teach you how to combat it. To control it fully." Tom offered, sending a drive within Myrddin to continue on.

Myrddin nodded, pulling his wand from his robes.

"Very well, Majesty. In her memory." He stated, causing Tom to smile before he nodded.

"In her memory." With a wave of his wand, Tom made another statue.

"Follow my wand movements. As you know, the incantation is 'Crucio'." Tom stated, quickly standing beside Myrddin.

The two quickly began to work with one another. Myrddin listened terrifically while following Tom's precise movements. After completing this, Tom brought Myrddin towards the statue. Myrddin examined the crude features of Tom's statue. He held back his scoff as he thought he could make better.

"Ready Myrddin?" Tom questioned, taking his place at Myrddin's side.

Myrddin nodded, pointing his wand towards the statue.

A moment of dread stopped Myrddin. The statue suddenly morphed into the visage of his mother. He blinked, causing the image to disappear. The unease was drowning Myrddin.

The judging eyes of Tom pierced his side. Causing him to feel an even greater amount of unease. Sending him through deep ocean of despair.

He huffed before focusing himself. His wand pointed perfectly towards the statue. He looked up, his eyes glowing a slight crimson.

"Crucio." He stated, flicking his wand up.

Instantly, red sparks of lightning flew forward. Violently tearing through the statue. As if a thousand knives were cutting through the statue. Causing it to crumble to the ground.

A scream echoed throughout Myrddin's mind. Echoing his mother's last haunting scream through his mind.

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