Part 20

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Its been about a month since the situation, Landon and I recovered and now we are planning on our wedding. Im so happy we got out of it. Now nothing will ever come close to tearing us apart like that again.

Im currently sitting at my dining table with my mom, and we are discussing the guest list to the wedding. I want minimum wedding and Landon wants a big wedding "one to remember" he says. I slightly agree its just we don't have the money for something humungous. Hopefully we can agree on something.


Its time. 5 hours before I get to walk down the aisle. We met in the middle for the wedding, We each invited 25 people. It may seem like a lot but at-least its not 40 each, Landon has a strong imagination. But I still have to do my makeup and hair and get some pictures of just me.


Its time for me to walk down the isle and im nervous. I have a mint in my mouth and im getting ready for the doors to open. I hear the music start. I hold on tight to my step-dads arms. And were walking down.


Even tho this isn't real life I don't know why im so nervous. I cant tell if I want this to be real life one day. Do i want to have a relationship with Daniel? Do i not? I don't know. I need to get my head back into the movie what am I doing. Okay. Im Scarlett, about to get married, before something really bad happens.


The doors open, and Im walking down the aisle. Nothing else matters, all I see is the love of my life. My Landon. My boy. My soon to be husband in like thirty seconds. Oh how I love him. Nothing could ruin this day.

I finish walking down the aisle and I grab Landons hand. We go through the whole wedding procedure, say our vowels, our promises, then we get to the objectives, obviously I thought nobody would do anything cause, why would they?

"I object!" I hear. Before I turn my head I notice that voice. Think Scarlett, who is that.? After some thinking, I realize it was the nurse that helped me from my panic attack. Why is she objecting? Did she develop something for Landon in the hospital? What is she doing here? How did she get in. Something bad is going to happen. "When I saw you, on the tv, I thought you were the one for me. They showed your picture and it was so perfect.." The 'nurse' kept rambling on. Why does she want Landon? Like yeah he's funny nice and attractive but like girl...were kind of getting married right now..? I do not think he wants you so you are wasting your time. I notice the placing of her hand. She has a small bag with her left handing holding it and her right inside gripping whatever is in the purse. "And I couldnt let you get hurt Scarlett, you are just to perfect." I hear her say. "WHAT?" Me and Landon scream in unison. I realize what shes holding. "GUN!" I scream. Right as I say that she pulls out the gun, unlocks safety and she aims, and shoots at Landon. I pull the two of us down in hopes it will miss us. I look up and notice the person standing next to the fake nurse stalker lady tackled her down and kicked the gun. I look up and see Landon okay. I feel burning in my arm. I look at my right shoulder and see that the bullet grazed me. "Oh my gosh. Landon." is all I say before everyone notices. "SOMEONE CALL AND AMBULANCE!" Landon says frantically. "We need to stop the bleeding." Landon says. "Im fine it just grazed me." I say. "You are loosing blood." Landon says. "Im fine." I say.

The ambulance gets here and Im rushed into the emergency room. Landon is sitting in the back of the ambulance with me and we are talking. "I feel fine just a little light headed." I say. "The bullet grazed you good ma'am, are you sure you feel alright?" The doctor asks. "Yes I just want to talk to my boyfriend." I say. "Im here!" Landon says. "Do you have the ring?" I ask. "Yes." He says. "Can we do it now? I wont be able to wait till later." I ask. "Anything for you." Landon says tearing up. Landon slides the ring on my finger. "I present you, my wife." He says with a smile. "I never thought this is how it would turn out." I say before passing out. "DOCTOR!" Landon says.

GUYSSS ngl i cant wait to finish this book, lol. Im excited to write abt Daniel and Camille. Im dont with the "movie" side of the book i just dont want to cliff hang yall with how the movie ends but im loosing motivation but im still going to finish string for yall! love you guys sm thank u!!

Lost in SEAttle ~ daniel DiMaggio Where stories live. Discover now