Part 13

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I was laughing then the next second I know I am underwater. I cant breathe nor can I control my own body. The rip currents too strong I cant get up. "Just splash maybe he will notice." I tell myself. Im try to find strength in my body, more of a weak spot of the ocean, so I can scream for Landon.

im thrown under again. what do i do? WHAT DO I DO! pray! maybe ill pray. "Heavenly father please help me find strength to get out of this water, im sorry for my sins. Im sorry for everything please just perform a miracle to get me put of here safe. In the fathers name I pray amen."

i feel something touch me. Landon. I grab his hand and he pulls me into him then were above water.

"Scarlett oh my gosh. Ar-are you okay I mean obviously not but are you like seriously injured??? what happened.!" Landon says so quickly its hard for me to understand. "I- Im fine. Im fine I dont know what happened. It just happened." I say. "Okay." Landon says.

I look around and the sand is so far away. My heart drops down to my stomach and I immediately start feeling sick. "HOLY SHIT LANDON WERE SO FAR OUT COME PN WE HAVE TO SWIM BACK." I say in a panic. "I know I KNOW okay okay holy shit this isn't happening oh my gosh." Landon says frantically, just as much panic in his voice as mine.

As we keep trying to swim out the ocean just seems to take us farther out. Its been another 30 minutes out this far in the ocean, and we are not getting closer.
"What are we going to do." Landon says snapping me out of my thoughts. "I-I mean like sharks, We cant be out here in the night. We will get eaten alive." "I don't know what to do. Its all my fault. I should have just listened to you im so so sorry." I say starting to cry. "Hey hey hey." Landon says in a comforting tone, swimming closer to me putting his left hand on my waist and right on my shoulder. "Please don't blame yourself for this Scar. You had no idea this would've happened, and I know you, if you knew this would be the outcome you wouldn't have even suggested the vacation. But we really need to get out of the water." Landon says. "Yeah your right." I say looking around. "LANDON LOOK THEIRS A HUGE ROCK OVER THEIR!" I say while pointing to my right. "HA PERFECT COME ON." We swim over to the rock then climb on it.

"Okay were what.?" I say. "I don't know but at least we have each other." Landon says. I fall asleep in Landons lap an he runs his fingers down the right side of my arm and gives soft kisses on the crown of my head.

Aweeee guysss!!! anyways the last part for today will be posted later tonight! prob around 8pm!!!

Lost in SEAttle ~ daniel DiMaggio Where stories live. Discover now