Part 10

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"Hey girlie?!" Shannon the beauty stylist says. "Wake up now! I know me doing ur pretty hair is relaxing but seriously you are abt to go to work so get ur ass up!" She says. "Sorry sorry Im just not used to this at all." I say. Its 9:10am and I just got done with hair, clothes, makeup, etc. and its time to start filming.

"So what are we going to do?" Scarlett says. "Uhm no idea just hoping to walk around and search till we find something cool." Landon says back. "We should find a beach or something."  "Yeah sure Ill look one up." "Me to." I type my password into my phone, which is L A N D O N. Cute I know. "Hey Lan, theres the Pacific ocean by us if you just like want to go for a quick swim?"   "Uh yeah that sounds good lets just get out swim stuff on."   "Okay"  Me and Daniel walk out of the frame holding hands. "AND SCENE!" Scott says. "Good guys that was really really good. So yeah basically the next part is the storms going to happen, and the bad stuffs going to happen, then the good, and then the rest so we probably have like 40 more days of filming left, then we have to run back fix the mistakes, then put it together, get the music, and add the editing and all the credits and we will just have to get it verified then set up the premier and the launch date, and boom were at the premier. So more or less just about a year." Scott says. "Wow thats like alot but so little at the same time!" I say. "I know right!" Daniel says. "Well since its early and since were just starting the filming I will give you two a three hour break to do whatever, you know. Take a nap, eat, shower, hangout, go shopping. Seriously do whatever you guts are doing fantastic." Scott says. "Seriously?! Thats great! Thanks Scott!" I say while giving him a side hug. "Yeah man thanks alot thats really kind of you." Daniel says while doing the same thing I just did.

*Fast forward to Cami at home*

"After I shower and eat wanna do something?" I text Daniel. We've really been getting close not going to lie. "Yeah sure what u wanna do?" He answers immediately. "Uhmmm arcade?"   "Yea Im down."   "Kk great I will lyk when im ready and stuff."   "Kk great." Daniel says which is where the conversation ended.

"Hiii im ready!!" I text Daniel. "Kk ill be like omw in 3 minutes." "Kk!" I say which ends the mini conversation. around 7 minutes later I hear my phone buzz and a beep outside which means he's here so I lace my
converse then jump in his car.

"Hi hi" I say. "Hi hi hi" Daniel says. I laugh then plug my phone into the aux cord while putting in the directions into Daniels phone. We get to david busters 16 minutes later and now were inside ordering our cards to play some games. We end up playing for 45 minutes then get hungry. "Wanna go get some slushies and fries?" I say. "Uhhh heck yeah." Daniel says. I get a blue slushie and he gets a red one. "Ew the red ones are like spicy." I say. "Oh my gosh what..spicy? Is that what you said?" "Yess." I say with a small blush and smile then take a bite out of a fry from the box were sharing. "Here try mine and ill try yours." Daniel says. "Okay then." I say while trying his. Our tongue's are now purple and we laugh. "Wait let me take a picture. My left cheek is touching his right cheek and we stick our tongue's out while holding our blue and red slushies in the corner of the phone. We laugh at it then post it. "Golly people will get a kick out of  that one." Daniel says. "Haha made you start saying golly." I say with a smile. "Yeah yeah whatever lets go back on set." Daniel says with red cheeks and a smile.

EEEEE GOT SOME DAMILLE CONTENNTTTNNN GOING FOR YALLL (yes i made a ship name daniel + camille = damille.) i love it. anyways. thought yall would appreciate some cute moments of them becoming closerrrrr soooo yesssss hehehe excited for tomorrows and the next days. tomorrows is going to lead into the bad part and Saturday is going to be the bad part. so maybe expect tears (if your emotional) or maybe dont!!!???!?!! anywyas i love yall and thank you so much for all the support you dont understand 🫶🫶

Lost in SEAttle ~ daniel DiMaggio Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora