Part 11

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I wake up around 7am and drive to the location where we are filming right now im in Seattle, for obvious reasons, and Im staying in a hotel.

"Hey Cami!" Daniel says. "Hey Dani" I say laughing. "Don't ever call me that again." Daniel says getting into a nasty tone really fast.I laugh and ruffle his hair, the. we go to get our makeup and hair done.

"Im scared for today cause this is like getting close to the sad part." I say. "I know but im more sad the movies about to end so like we wont see each other that much." Daniel says. "I know but we still have like two more months cause we have to do all the editing, and retake clips, and voice overs. I promise we will still see each other a lot, and even when the movies over you only live like 7 minutes away from me. So its okay, dont worry about the future." I say. "Yeah, thanks for that." Daniel says while smiling and gives me a hug. We've been hugging allooottttttt lately. Every time we see each other, hug. Every time we leave each other, hug. Anytime something exciting happens, hug. Its like "hug" is our basic routine. Instead of saying "Hi" its *Hug*.

"Alright alright 3 2 1 ACTION!" Scott says.
"Well we can just drive around till we find somewhere, right?" Landon says.
"Yeah I guess." Scarlett say.
"Is their something wrong with that?" 
"No not at all I feel like thats just unorganized and something bad will happened."
"Babe, seriously its alright we are on vacation for fucks sake. Leave the over thinking and worrying back at home, its okay, I love you."
"I love you to."

"Was that seriously necessary to wake me up for a turtle..?"
"Uhhhhh yeah, its a turtle."
"Ohhhh sorry, but yeah it was itS THE OCEAN!"

"It looks stormy Scar, are you sure you want to go out here.?"
"I mean its fine just come on!"
"What about rip current."
"Landon. You told me to leave the worrying at home. Im not worrying, you are. Just come on its warm!"
"Okay whatever fine."

heheheheheheh...Im so exctied to write the next 3 parts eek! Again guys im sorry to let you down last night with not posting, i was really exhausted from my day and just didnt have the motivation or energy to write so again im sorry but lets be scared/excited for these next parts!!

Lost in SEAttle ~ daniel DiMaggio Where stories live. Discover now