Part 18

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This is about our second week deserted in the ocean. I don't know when or how we are getting out. Or even alive.

Landon and I are practically surviving on each other. I catch the food while he starts fires to burn the salt and gross-ness out of the salt water..I guess..? But I just cant wait to get out of here and go home. Landon and I just spend our days talking and swimming. But we've got sick of swimming. My hair has never been in so much salt for so long, I think some chunks of hair are falling out.


Me and Landon have been talking for a couple hours and it looks like it will storm.
Hopefully someone has noticed that we have been missing for a while, we should have been home by 3 days ago. I really hope we get found before something bad happens.

A huge lighting bolt and thunder startles me and Landon out of our nap. "What was that?" Landon says. "Uhm I think the beginning of a storm." I say in a 'Duh' tone. "Okay well obviously but is it a easy storm or like we are going to die storm?" Landon says quickly and concerned. "Lan I really don't know but we will be fine, okay?" I reassure him. "Yeah. Yeah we-were good." He says swallowing intensely. The waves pick up and more thunder and lightning occurs. Im getting more nervous by the second and I can tell Landon is to. I just really hope we get found or something, cause another storm is not what im in for right now. I may have been bored, but not this bored. Hopefully its
not like a tsunami or anything like that. Their has been non hurricane warnings? Right? I mean, how would I know I've been deserted for almost 3 weeks.

The waves are increasing in height by the milliseconds. Our rock is tall, and the waves are growing close to the top of it. My anxiety is almost reaching the growth of the waves as they get stronger and taller, if they get as tall as out rock. We are done.

At this point the water is touching our toes and Landon is brainstorming what to do. All of a sudden we hear a helicopter. We wave our hands and jump around hoping they notice us. "Are they out for us you think?" Landon asks me in a loud voice cause of the water crashing. "I hope!" I say back with the same level of loudness in my voice. We scream and jump and say 'Hey down here!' as loud as we can a bunch of times, but they cant seem to notice us. We realize they have to be out for us cause they are staying in one spot instead of just flying straight over. "Maybe they hear us but cant see us cause of the cloudy weather?" Daniel asks. "Yeah possibly, but the water and the helicopter are loud, I don't know if they see or hear us. Or either." I say back disappointed. "The waters rising." Landon says with no emotion in his voice, just defeat. "I know." I say back. It is up to our knees and we are nervous nervous. "Listen the water is not stopping its already up to our waistlines, you need to trust me okay." Landon says. "Okay." I say back. "I love you so much and these past years have been the best with you, you are the best thing that has ever ever happened to me scar, and I love you so much. So, If i don't have this chance later in life, I was wondering." Landon says as he gets down on one knee. "Will you, Scarlett JySmith, marry me, Landon Hamport, I promise to love you through life and death, and to never hurt you and always protect you." Landon finished his sentence. Theirs no ring or anything, just him saying heartfelt messages holding my hands. The water is up by his shoulders since he's on his knee, the waters past my
belly button right now. "Yes, of course I will. And once we are out of here we will get engagement rings and we will be so happy!" I say a tears well up in my eyes. "You have to trust me okay, I love you." Landon says with a small smile. "I trust you, and love you to." I say back with a smile. He kisses me, but this kiss was like no other. It was sincere, passionate, it was like our first one all over again. By the time we let go the water has already taken me off my feet, but Landon is still standing cause he is taller than me by a good 8 inches. "When I cant reach get on my shoulders and wave for help, I used to do swimming all throughout middle school and highschool so ill be good under their while you get help." Landon says.  "Thats a horrible idea you are going to get lost under the wat-" I get cut off by getting thrown under. "Yes but its our only one." Landon says as he picks me up and puts me on his shoulders. He has a firm grip on my thighs as he goes under and im fully above the water, waving my arms, signaling for help.


Landon hasn't come up for air but I think its only been 3 minutes, It usually takes 6 minutes for someone to drown, I really don't know how much time its been im to stressed to think about it. The helicopter spotted us. I scream and laugh and once the helicopter is low enough it drops a ladder. I jump off Landons shoulders and I go to grab him but he's not their. My heart drops and I start immediately crying. "LANDON. LANDON COME ON THEY SAVED US." I scream. "Whats the problem?" A woman on the helicopter asks me. "My boyfrie-fiancé went under I cant find him!" I yelp out at her. I se eher shake her head at the other members on the helicopter. "We will find him hunny just please come up here to safety. We have a dive crew who will save your fiancé." The nice woman says. "Oh-Okay." I say and I climb up the ladder. Once I reach the top I see people in wet suits climb down the where I once was to save Landon. "Okay we will meed to ask you some questions." The lady said. "Will he be okay?" I ask. "We are trying our best to locate him ma'am, please try to focus on these questions." She replies. Everything is a blur, I try my best to answer but I cant think straight without my Landon. The 'blurt' sound of a Walkie-talkie brings me out of
my daze. "We got him." They say the words I wanted to hear. I see the lady sigh of relieve, I feel like I can breathe again. "He's unresponsive we need CPR immediately drop the double ladder." All the air escapes my lungs, my throat closes, my heart drops, my ears buzz, my brain is fizzy, my eyes water, my life stops. I see them bring up his lifeless body. He looks so pale, and cold. I run up to him and cry his name. I old his hand and encourage him to breathe and wake up as they do their job to save him. I talk about our wedding whole they do it. All of a sudden they stop, and say two words. "He's gone." But when they go to say 'Im sorry' we all hear the machine beep. "Theres a heartbeat!" A man says. "My baby!" I scream and go to hug him, I kiss his forehead 1,000 times and wrap him in a blanket. "Were okay." I say even though he's not 100% responsive yet. "Were okay." I say to him again.


Lost in SEAttle ~ daniel DiMaggio Where stories live. Discover now