Part 3

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I stare at the text from Daniel and pause. "Uhm why are you looking at your phone like that.." Meg says. "No reason." I say and smile. Meg looks at me suspiciously and I smile.

"Im so excited for this movie, and I was wondering if you wanted to maybe meet up somewhere this weekend so we can catch up and talk about the project, I feel it will be best if we become closer cause you obviously know our characters are dating so I don't want to make you uncomfortable or make things awkward if we just start acting like a couple if we don't know each other that well." Daniels text says.

I get flustered and squeal out of instinct. "What the actual hell was that Cami.?" Meg says. "Just read this." I say. Meg squeals as well. We just both are squealing in the middle of the mall then we hear flashes. Oh shit. The paparazzi.

"Please tell us what was the cause of this commotion?" Someone with a camera and microphone says. "Was a special someone messaging you?" Another male followed. "Please stop asking questions." I respond as nice as possible. "No please we insist you answer." The second male states. "Come on Marco the girls dont want to talk." Says the first guy in a attitude.

"What the hell was that about?" Meg says with a questionable attitude. "No idea just some creepers who wanna know young women's business. Fucking weirdos." I say. I dont like to swear. At all, but the paparazzi and creepy full grown men are an acceptation to swear at or towards.

"Shoot!" I say, almost screaming. "What What What!" Meg says in a concerned tone. "I need to respond to Daniel help me please!!" I say in a quick manner. "Uhmmm okay well maybe first talk about like uhm like well say hi first." Meg says in the same quick pace as I did. "Okay okay so Hi daniel" I type it on the phone while Meg tells me what else to say. "I would love to go out with you" Meg says. I stop typing and say "Doesnt that sound like I think its a date?" "True" Meg says. I delete it and start typing again. "I think its a great idea to get to know eachother and hangout more so we are more comfortable with one another! Maybe we can go get lunch or something like that unless you have a better idea of course." I think thats good." I say. "Yeah yeah," Meg says while she reads over it. She hits send while saying "Perfect!" and I yell at her cause I didnt even read it over. Guess I'll see what he says I suppose.

hi yallllzzzzzzsszszszs so sorry abt the delay for the post ikikikik dont be mad pls i have alot going on rn so im trying my best but we got over 100 reads like what the heck thank you all sm!!!!! anyways i hope everyone has a lovely day and ily all so thanks for reading and be excited for the next two parts cause i am!!

Lost in SEAttle ~ daniel DiMaggio Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora