Part 8

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"Theres like 17 pictures of me and Daniel walking into the restaurant together and inside the restaurant and leaving and him opening the door for me and him hugging me at my house oh my gosh.!!" I say in a quick and nervous manner. "Lemme see its okay Cami." Meg says. She takes my
phone and looks at the photos then sets my phone down and looks at me. "Cami its alright. Hey, hey look at me, Cami don't work yourself over with this its alright. This is nothing bad okay. Its just pictures of friends out at a fancy restaurant its oka-." Meg says but gets cut off short cause my
phone sends two text messages.

I hurry up and leap to my phone then look at it. "Its Daniel, he asked to FaceTime me real quick." I say. "Well call him!" Meg says. "Okay Okay I will." I say.

"Hey." Daniel says. "Hi." I say. "Did you see the instagram post?" Daniel asks. "Yeah its like scary that they did that." I say. "Yeah and now everyone thinks were sneaking around and thats not going to be a good label when we start the movie together." Daniel says. Im a little confused on what he means by that. I look at Meg, she looks at me back with the same expression. "Yeah but maybe when they release the trailer for the movie people will probably realize we were just their as friends and getting caught up." I say. "Yeah probably." Daniel says. "Do you think we should go live and address it that it was just as friends and nothing else?" I suggest. "Yeah that's actually a great idea, I'll start it and you just request to join and I'll add you." Daniel says. "Okay I'll get on instagram now, bye." I say and hangup the phone.

"Golly that was awkward." Meg says. "What is it with you and the word 'Golly' ?" I say. "I don't know, new phrase. Why you hating girl?" Meg says with an attitude. "I don't know im sorry im nervous about this whole thing." I say with an apologetic tone. "Its okay, look he invited you to the live join." Meg says while pointing at my
phone set up on the wall. "Okay Okay" I say while i fix my hair a bit. I see Meg smile on the side of the screen while I do this. "Hi" I say awkwardly once I join the live. "Hi Cami." Daniel says. I smile then say hi to the people now starting to join. "So guys we wanted to address the post on that teatimefame account of us out together at a restaurant. We were their for work related business and it wasn't anything romantic at all guys." Daniel says in a serious but nice tone. "Yeah guys it wasn't anything romantic nor was it a date it was just us catching up for some future projects we are planning on." I say. I read a comment that says "they definitely are together rn just different rooms." I read it a loud after reading it in my head and I say "No were not im at my house with Meg right now. Not everything is always a romantic relationship when it comes to boys and girls." I say. "Yes exactly thank you." Daniel says. "Well guys we just wanted to clear that situation up and Im going to let Cami go back to hanging out with Meg also hi Meg btw" "Hi Daniel!" Meg butts in. Daniel waves and finished what he's trying to say. "Anyways but yeah thanks for clearing the air with me Camille." Daniel finishes. "Yeah of course!" I say. "Well I'll let you go now." Daniel says with a smile. "Alrighty well bye guys thanks for joining and bye Daniel." I say before waving and getting off.  "Golly was that a roller coaster." I say. "Haha made you say golly." Meg says while pointing at me. "Oh whatever, I just cant believe that actually happened." I say. "Me too." Meg says. I text Daniel one last time and say goodnight to him, then me and Meg just finish our movie and food. What a crazy night.

so tomorrow im going to just fast forward into the start of filming I think which will be so fun but yeah thanks so much for all the support i love every single one of you guys 💓💓

Lost in SEAttle ~ daniel DiMaggio Where stories live. Discover now