part one

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I heard it. The phone. THE CALL. The call that can depend on half of my future. My mind goes blank. My blood runs cold. My anticipation is on its peak. I answer the call from my manager.

"Hello Randy" I say. "Hello Camille, I'd like to tell you that you earned the part of Scarlett Poincel. You really did impress the directors, interviewers, and including me of course. Im proud of you Cami."

My mind starts racing with thoughts and excitement and a little bit of nervousness. I cant even express the feelings inside my head right now.

I thank Randy for his kind words and the amazing information he told me. I hang up the phone with him and call my best friend, Meg Donnelly.

She answers immediately with the same attitude and the same frame of mind I had before I got my answer on my roll. I told her what i was hoping she wanted to hear, "Meg I got the part! I got the part omg!" Meg immediately starts screaming and I swear it blew my eardrums out. "OH EEM GEE CAMILLE I am so incredibly proud of you good job girl!" Meg says.

I feel the excited tears on their way. I cant wait to tell my parent and grandparents.

"Hey cami, you remember Daniel DiMaggio, well he's calling me cause he auditioned for the other lead roll I'll call you back in a second, i got to go, love you!" Meg says over the phone. "Alrighty love you too Meg Beg see you soon" I reply.

After we hang up I sit in my room and facetime my mom to tell her the great news. I called her and it went straight to voicemail. "Should of known." I say.

My mood is a little bit bummed but I decide that I should take a shower from how much sweat I had on me from waiting for the call this morning.

I grab clothes, then I head to my bathroom, turn the water on a warm temperature, and I step in. In the middle of washing my hair I get a notification. I reach my hand out to my phone and its a text message from Daniel DiMaggio.

"I haven't texted him since i starred in a couple episodes of American House Wife thanks to Meg. " I thought. I read his message and get butterflies.

"Hello Camille, It's Daniel DiMaggio, I hope you remember me but Im happy to say I got the part of Landon Hamport. Meg has already told me you got the other lead, so I thought I would reach out and tell you we will be working together again. Im excited to do this project with you. Sincerely Daniel DiMaggio."

Im not going to lie. Daniel is cute and so fine. Gosh am I happy I got this part.

hi everyoneee so this is the first chapter and I really hope you enjoy it. This story might be confusing at the start but i promise i have BIGG plans for this book. Reminder! Pls be kind to me about this book if you don't like something constructive criticism is appreciated but rudeness is not, i hope you understand. anyways i hope everyone has the best day possible and im so excited!!!

Lost in SEAttle ~ daniel DiMaggio Where stories live. Discover now