Rolling Stone

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Jenna's POV: I was walking with my friend Emma around town at night. We were laughing and just overall happy being in each other's presence. At the end of every hangout, we always smoke together in a small alley where no one's near us. This is where all the tension sparks up. Just us. No one else.

Emma's POV: My back hit the the wall lightly as Jenna was stepping closer to me, a cigarette in both of our hands. Our faces were just inches apart, but none of us gave in. She blew a small cloud of smoke near my lips as I felt the warm sensation tingle around me. I closed my eyes and hummed at this feeling. Jenna smirked and threw her cigarette on the ground. I've known her for so long and we've built so much trust and especially tension with each other. She's not interested in just anyone. Jenna can get whoever she wants. We were both looking into each other's eyes.
"What are your plans for tonight?" I asked, not breaking contact. She shrugged a bit.
"Nothing. I'll probably smoke and that's it." Jenna said, sighing softly.
"What are your plans?" She asked. I looked away for a bit, and then back at her.
"I'll probably go to bed." I said giving her a soft smile.
"Well that's no fun. Can I come over?" She said playfully. I hit her shoulder lightly and giggled. I get very excited when she flirts with me. But I don't know how to flirt back. I know she wants me to, but I'm just scared I'll be bad at it. Everyone starts somewhere right?
"You said you wanted to come over?" I questioned innocently at her. A small grin appeared on her face.
"Yes." She breathed out.
"And do what?" I said, pulling the collar of her shirt.
"Tease you until you're drooling all over me." Jenna whispered. I was so turned on by this, I have to keep this going. I felt her try to pull away, but I brought her right back in.
"What else?" I breathed out, not breaking eye contact this time.
"Emma, don't get too wrapped up." She whispered again. I realized maybe I did in fact get too carried away. Maybe I made her uncomfortable. What am I saying? No one makes Jenna uncomfortable. The things she's done are far beyond what I did. I let go of her and looked down a bit. Jenna lifted my chin up to look at her.
"I got you." She said very softly, I almost didn't catch what she whispered. Jenna walked away as I watched her leave. What did she mean by 'I got you'? I stood there, my back against the wall still. After a few minutes I walked back to my house.
Jenna's POV: It was around 2am when I got home. I got another cigarette and started smoking again. I went over to the balcony and rested my elbows on the railing, watching the city. The smoke started to ease everything. I closed my eyes slowly and started imagining Emma's hands wrapped around my waist from behind. I imagined her lips on my neck, breathing on me. Her teeth sinking into my flesh. It's almost like I could feel everything. I let out a small soft moan as smoke blew out of my mouth. I could quite literally feel her slender hands trail down my inner thigh, squeezing me. I snapped back to reality in a matter of seconds, my chest rising up and down fast. My heart sunk when I realized it was my imagination. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and clicked on Emma's contact. My thumb hovered over the call button. I was hesitant. I can't just call her because I imagined her touching me. It's wrong of me to use her like that. Why am I thinking like this? I've used everyone I've been in love with. Maybe it wasn't really love then. There's tons of people that want to be with me, but I choose Emma. I've come to conclusions that I do love her. We've known each other for too long. I need to tell her I love her. She'll be gone if I wait too long. I didn't call her.
Emma's POV: It was 3am now. I didn't go to bed. I was up thinking about Jenna. The thoughts of her never let me sleep. I wanted to text her, but she's most likely high. I don't want to bother her either. She would never want to be with me. Jenna can get with anyone, and I mean anyone. I'd be her last resort for anything. I still don't know why we hangout when she could be with someone better. I'm trying to figure out what she meant by 'I got you'. How does she get me? Is she claiming me? I'm so confused. Maybe next time we see each other I'll ask her. I keep replaying the sinful words she said to me. I bit my lip just by how her voice sounded. It's so raspy and deep when she talks to me. It's probably from the smoke. But either way it's attractive, enough to get me wet. I was soaked the whole time we were in the alley. I needed to just breathe her in and bite into her skin. I want to leave scratch marks on her back and hug her so tight. I want her to see my body and claim it as hers.
Jenna's POV: I woke up to the sun shining threw the windows on my face. I got up and took a shower and got ready. I heard a buzz from my phone. It was from Emma. She told me to meet her in the alley at 10pm. It was kind of odd for her to be the one to reach out. We never meet in the alley first thing when we hangout. She must be curious about something. Now I'm eager to see her. That beautiful body of hers is just pulling me in further and further into her soul. I do love her personality just as much, but that body has something special.
Emma's POV: I was nervous the whole day. All I wanted was to see Jenna. I don't care about anyone else but her. She's such a mystery and I need to figure it out.
It was now about time to go. I decided to wear an all black outfit. I wore baggy cargo jeans, platform converse, and a tight crop top. I waited for a couple of minutes until I saw a figure approach me. I got startled for a second, but I knew it was Jenna.
"It's okay it's just me." She said chuckling a bit. I blushed a light pink as we stared at each other for a minute.
"Uh- sorry. I just wanted to talk with you for little?" I said nervously.
"Of course." Oh god. That voice again. I'm most certainly dripping now.
"I just wanted to ask you what you meant by that phrase yesterday." I said avoiding eye contact and messing with my fingers. A cute smirk appeared on her face.
"What do you mean love?" She said leaning into me. Love? That's new. I got even more flustered at the nickname.
"You said 'I got you' right before you left yesterday. What does that mean?" I said softly, looking up at her. Jenna grabbed my chin ever so gently and looked me deep in the depths of my twinkling eyes.
"It means I would do anything to see you, to have you, to protect you." Jenna whispered, smiling. I melted into her touch. I pulled her closer to me and placed my hands on her neck. Our lips collided softly together. I always imagined what kissing Jenna would be like. I thought she would be the type of person to kiss someone rough and hungry, but this is soft and delicate. I can't get enough of it. I'm melting like wax on a candle.
"Nobody feels the way I feel about you." Jenna whispered against my lips.

Jenna's POV: I'm not supposed to be like this, but I can't help it when it's Emma.

A Jenna Ortega and Emma Myers Love Story Where stories live. Discover now