Haters to Lovers

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Jenna's POV: Ever since I met this girl Emma, I've had so much hate towards her. I don't know what it is about her, but she irritates me so much. She tries to invite me to every party and event she goes to, but I always decline because I can't stand being with her. I don't know why she always wants me to come with her, we're not really friends we're just acquaintances.

Emma's POV: Every since I met Jenna she's always seemed very quiet with me, but with everyone else she's super talkative with. I don't get it. Is there something wrong with me? No matter how good I treat her, she always pushes me away. I like her though. But, as more than friends. There was a party at 8pm tonight, I wanted to invite her just one last time.
"Hey Jenna." I said walking over to her.
"Hey." She said coldly. That's not a very good start.
"Umm I wanted to invite you to this-" I got cut off by her speaking.
"Emma I don't want to go. Why are yo always inviting me everywhere? Haven't I said no more than enough? I hate being around you. Can't you just take the hint? Do you want me to say it again??" She snapped back at me. She really wasn't having it this time.
"Oh. Okay. I'm sorry." I said sadly. I walked away with tears in my eyes. What did I do for her to act like this? How come she doesn't show this side of her to everyone else?

Jenna's POV: I feel terrible. I didn't mean to say anything I said to her. Why do I act like this only around her? Why did I feel a pain in my heart. Watching her walk away hurt me. She didn't deserve any of the things that I said. But what hurt the most was that she kept trying for me. She didn't give up asking to go with her. But this time, I think she's completely given up. I'm such a terrible person, she was always there for me, while I just left her and didn't care to be there for her. Again, we weren't really friends, but she had my back no matter what. And I destroyed that connection between us.

Emma's POV: I tried. I really tried to get Jenna out of her comfort zone with me. I was persistent with her, but I guess she found that annoying when I was only trying to care for her. I'm so attached to her when all she does is ignore me and turn down my invitations. Maybe I should treat her how she treats me. Even if I'm pretending, then she'll see how rare of a person she lost.
Jenna's POV: It's been a couple of days since I talked to Emma. She's completely ignored me. I know she's hurt deep inside. I know that feeling, knowing that I was the one that caused all that hurt. But, she doesn't show it. Her emotions normally show through her face, now she's completely unbothered. Every morning we go to the same coffee shop, she always waved at me, this time, she doesn't even look at me. All she does it look around the shop, she looks everywhere except me. She's avoiding me. Emma never acts like this, I know when something's up, I've observed her too well. I don't do that with other people, only her. The hate for her grows everyday, but I kind of like it, in a weird way.

Emma's POV: I didn't make eye contact at all with Jenna. I felt bad but, the words she said to me a couple days ago kept replaying in my head. She hates when I invite her. She hates the thought of me. She hates everything about me. Well, I do too now. She doesn't deserve any bit of my attention...not that she's ever cared for it anyway. I could see her in my peripheral vision, just staring. What was she thinking? I sat down waiting for my order, away from Jenna.

Jenna's POV: I was just eyeing her. How effortlessly beautiful she was. Wait. Do I like her? Is that why I'm so mean to her? Because I like her? That doesn't make sense. I don't make sense. She's clearly showing zero interest in me right now. I've got no chance. But, before ya know it, we made eye contact for a split second. She was getting up to grab her order and leave. I was about to catch up with her, but she had already been out the door. Damn it. I had to text her. I needed to fix things.
Emma's POV: I had gone through my whole day. It was pretty normal, besides ignoring Jenna. All of a sudden, I get a text from her. Great.
"Hey, can we talk? Like, in person." The text read. I ignored it. She doesn't deserve to talk to me. She's the one that messed things up. I turned off my phone and went to bed.

Jenna's POV: it was the next day, I woke up pretty early. I checked my phone, hoping for an answer back. Nothing. I really need to make things right with her.
I got ready and headed to the coffee shop again. There she was. Right as she was about to enter m, I touched her shoulder, slightly gripping her.
"Emma. We need to talk." I said looking at her. She tried to shrug me off, but I didn't let her.
"Emma. I'm serious." I held her arm tight and pulled her away from the door.
"Jenna. I already know you hate me. You made it crystal clear." She said, looking sad.
"No no. I'm really sorry for what I said to you. I didn't mean any of it. I don't understand why I'm like this with you and no one else." I said, looking into her deep eyes.
"I know how you are Jenna. You're gonna "apologize" to me, and then you're gonna treat me like a doormat as the cycle continues. I'm not falling for anything Jenna, I know you." Emma said.
"Emma-you know I wouldn't do anything like that to you." I said.
"I thought that you couldn't say anything worse to me that night. You lost your chance already Jenna." She said. I could see the sadness in her eyes.
"I really want to make things right with you. Please, let's talk about this at my house." I said tugging her to walk with me. She hesitated, but went. I've never apologized to someone so badly like this.

A Jenna Ortega and Emma Myers Love Story Where stories live. Discover now