Dreams Part 3 (Mature)

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Jenna's POV: I woke up naturally and pretty early. I felt something warm around my waist, it felt pretty nice. I looked down and noticed Emma was cuddling me pretty tight. I liked when she clung to me. I enjoyed this moment until Emma woke up. Her crystal blue eyes looked up at me, studying my face. I rubbed her back and smiled at her.
"Hi Emmy." I whispered softly. She smiled and nuzzled her face into my neck. The feeling of her warmth on my neck made me want to moan so badly. I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed her face and got her off of me.
"We gotta get up Emma." I said as I lifted her up from the bed. She embraced me in a hug as we were standing up. She rested her chin on my shoulder. After a few minutes, Emma broke the hug and got ready.
Emma's POV: I was almost done getting dressed. This whole time I've been thinking about how I was cuddling with Jenna. The way her soft voice spoke to me felt comforting. After a few minutes I opened the bathroom door and saw Jenna walking towards me.
"Well you smell nice." Jenna said. Her hand slowly crawled up to my arm, pulling me closer. We were inches apart, waiting for one to make a move.
"Alright go get ready you dirty rat." I said, breaking the tension.
Jenna had was shooting some scenes after I did mine. I stood near the directors watching Jenna as she said her lines. She was so good...at everything. I think that's why I'm attracted to her so much. Her talent amazes me. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I didn't realize how hard I'd been staring until Jenna winked at me while smiling.
"Hey cutie, I'm done with my scenes. Wanna go to my hotel room?" She said as she walked towards me.
"Yeah let's go!" I said smiling. I clung onto her arm as we walked together.
Jenna opened her door for me and closed it behind her.
"Don't try to hide it Emma." Jenna said looking at me.
"What?" I questioned. I was caught off guard by her words. Hiding what? Of course I know what she's talking about. She knows I have a crush on her, we both can't hide it.
"I saw you staring at me." She said. I didn't know what to say. Jenna leaned towards my face.
"I had a dream about you...a really good one." She whispered softly. I could feel her hot breath against me as she gently brushed her lips against mine.
"What was it about." I whispered back. She looked up at me, her hands on the top of my chest.
"Do you want all the details?" She said smirking.
"All of it." I said. She chuckled before she began to speak.
"I drove you to my house and we were together...alone." She said. Jenna but her lip slightly.
"...and I kissed you. And you did the same. We were in the kitchen and things began to escalate." Jenna said breathing heavily.
"I could feel everything. Your hands gripped my waist so tightly it felt to good." She said as she sighed. She brought her hands up to my back and grabbed my wrists guiding them to her waist.
"We were kissing each other and you bit my bottom lip. At that point you turned me on so much I couldn't control anything." She said as she began to breath more and more. The way Jenna looked at me wanted to do the things we were doing in her dream.

Jenna's POV: As I continued talking, I noticed every time I finished a sentence Emma would nod quickly, wanting me to continue.
"After that, I lead you to my room and we continued things in there." I said. Emma was breathing heavily now.
"What things did we do." Emma whispered sounding desperate for an answer. I hooked my finger in the collar of her shirt pulling her closer.
"We had sex." I whispered so softly into her. I pulled away slightly and saw Emma's eyes dilating.
"In my dreams, you say you want me and say you'll never leave my dreams. My fantasies become so true, I never want to leave them." I said. Emma quickly pulled me back in, closer than we were before. Emma began kissing my neck, gently sucking on my skin. I was caught off guard and moaned when her lips met my skin. I grabbed the back of her head as she kept kissing me. I tried to say her name, but all that came out were moans and sighs. Emma was taking control and moved me to the couch. I was straddling her as her lips made their way to mine. We were both breathing into each other. I leaned down and kissed Emma's pale skin on her neck, leaving dark marks on her. Her moans filled the room as I kissed different parts of her neck. Emma grabbed my waist and got on top of me on the couch, still kissing me. I stopped us for a second.
"Emma." I said out of breath.
"Yes Jenna." Emma said.
"I love you." I said looking into her eyes.
"I love you more than you think." She said, her eyes glistening.
"Can I tell you something?" I whispered. I was worried of what she would think if I told her what I needed to tell her.
"Tell me everything love." She said comforting me.
"I was a afraid of being in love with someone and feeling vulnerable and trusting. But I've been wanting to risk it all for you. I never craved attention until I tasted yours." I said grabbing the side of her face.
"It's so hard to put you into words because I love you in ways have never loved anyone else. Everything is better with you and everything has been better since you Jenna. I can look into your eyes and never get tired of you beauty. If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me." Emma said smiling at me. I smiled back and kissed her cheek.
"I need you to do me a favor...a really important one." I said.
"Anything." Emma said.
"I want you to take me. All of me right now Myers." I said desperately. She wasted no time and took off both of our tops. She then carried me into the room and got on top of me again. I held the back of her neck as she kissed me lower and lower. I brought her up to kiss me again as she pulled the covers over us. It was so warm and comfortable to be with her. I knew we had to shoot scenes tomorrow early in the morning, but I didn't care. I wanted to feel this with her. Words can't describe the experience we had.

A Jenna Ortega and Emma Myers Love Story Where stories live. Discover now