Story 2: Love At First Sight

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Jenna was walking with her head phones on listening to Life of the Party by The Weeknd. She walked into a restaurant by herself because she doesn't have anyone to take to dinner. She sat down and ordered a drink while looking around. She waited for a while until someone caught her eye. It was a girl. She was beautiful, more than that. She had short brunette hair in a half up. She was wearing a thin white coat and an emerald green short dress. She had greenish-blue eyes that were stunning. She was there alone too. No girl had ever caught Jenna's eye, she thought some girls were pretty, but nothing compared to that girl. She kept staring at her, admiring every detail about her. The girl's silver rings on 4 fingers of each hand, a gold bracelet she had, her hair, everything. Jenna was in awe by her, until the girl caught her. They made eye contact for a second. Jenna quickly looked away, fidgeting and pretending to stare at the menu with her chin resting on her hand. The girl looked at her for a long time. Jenna waited a while, then tried to catch another glimpse of her, but the girl was staring at her now. Jenna caught her, and then once again quickly turned away.
"Was she staring at me??" Jenna thought to herself. The girl was flustered that they both caught admiring each other. The girl continued to stare at Jenna. She had brunette hair like her. Wearing a white button up top with a shirt collar and a black skirt. She also had silver rings, but not as many as she did. She had brown doe eyes that she could get lost in, even just making eye contact for a second. Jenna's server eventually came, the girl could hear Jenna's soft voice. The girl eventually looked away, she didn't want her to get caught again. Jenna was the type of person to not go up to someone and ask them out. She wasn't really good at making friends. She didn't have any. She liked being alone, but she was also looking for a relationship.
"I could never get her number or even talk to her. She's too pretty for me." Jenna thought to herself again. Jenna knew if she looked, she would get caught again. She did it anyway. She looked. And there she was. The girl's eyes met her's. Their eye contact lasted a little long though. Jenna couldn't pull away, the girl winked at her and smiled. Jenna blushed and looked away slowly. The girl got up and went over to Jenna's table. She sat across from her.
"Hey. I saw you exchanging glances at me." The girl said in a flirty tone.
"Oh. Uh-yea-I mean...yeah...?" Jenna said nervously looking everywhere else except her. The girl giggled.
"I mean, I was too." The girl said.
"I'm Emma by the way." Emma introduced herself.
"I'm Jenna." She said. They both started talking about what they do for work and stuff like that. Both were giggling, laughing, and having a great time.
"You know, I've never clicked with anyone so easily like you." Jenna said. She was surprised that sentence came out of her mouth.
"Aw. Me too! You're so sweet." Emma said touching Jenna's hand. Jenna got butterflies from this gesture. Jenna returned the favor and held her warm hand in her's.
"I don't have many friends. I've always been a quiet person. I like being by myself, but sometimes it gets lonely." Jenna said.
"Yeah I get that. I'm living alone right now. Hey, maybe we can see each other more often...?" Emma said nervously.
"That would be amazing." Jenna pulled out her phone, exchanging numbers. Jenna grabbed Emma's hand again like before.
"Your hands are cold." Emma said giggling.
"I know they get like that. But your's are warm." Jenna said happily.
"Your smile is so cute Jenna!" Emma said, also happily.
"No one's ever said that to me. Thank you Emma." Jenna said blushing really hard. Emma noticed, but didn't want to point it out. Jenna got her bill and they left out of the restaurant.
"Hey it's getting late. Do you want me to walk you to your house?" Jenna said.
"You walked here?" Emma questioned.
"Yeah I walk everywhere." Jenna said.
"How about we go to my house. I can show you around." Emma said.
"Yeah that would be nice." Jenna said. They both walked into the car. Emma had a Porsche 911.
"She must have a lot of money." Jenna thought to herself. They arrived at Emma's house as she parked her car into the garage. Emma's house was gorgeous. It was two stories.
"You have a really nice house." Jenna said in awe.
"You like it?" Emma said.
"Hell yeah." Jenna said. Emma led her into the house, closing the door. Jenna took off her shoes as well as Emma. She showed her the pool, the ping pong table, kitchen, living room, fireplace, the pool table, and the guest room.
"And that's just downstairs. There's way more upstairs." Emma winked, gesturing a flirty attitude.
"Oh, is there Emma..." Jenna said, matching her energy. Emma grabbed her hand and led her to her bedroom.
"So, this is my room..." Emma said. It was so spacious and well decorated. Emma closed the door behind her, examining Jenna as she looked around.
"Come here." Emma said, looking at Jenna. She walked over to Emma, thinking about what they were gonna do next. Emma grabbed her by the collar of Jenna's shirt looking her up and down, still with the door closed behind her. Jenna looked at her lips.
"Let me show you the movie room!" Emma exclaimed. Purposely misleading Jenna. Jenna was confused but glad that they weren't taking it there. She knew Emma was flirting with her. Emma showed her the movie room and where everything was at.
"Maybe when you come over some time we can watch a movie together." Emma said.
"I would love to. I like being around you. I know we just met but you're like the light to my darkness already." Jenna said sincerely.
"That means so much to me Jenna. I love being around you too. I'm glad we're getting to know each other." Emma said. They went back to the bedroom and talked for a while. It was already 11pm.
"Do you want to maybe..." Emma started.
"To what love." Jenna said, starting to get bold. Emma was surprised at her words.
"To sleep over??" Emma said.
"Of course. It's getting late anyway." Jenna said. Emma was happy she said yes.
"Well, the guest room isn't ready for anyone to use yet. So...did you want to sleep It's completely up to you though I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything." Emma started rambling. She got so nervous around Jenna for some reason.
"I think it would be more comfortable if I slept with you either way. It's cold and you're warm." Jenna said. Emma smiled at her.
"I don't have any pj's to sleep in though." Jenna said.
"Oh, you can use my clothes, I don't mind." Emma said. Jenna grabbed an oversized shirt and...boxers?
"I didn't know she wore boxers." Jenna thought to herself.  She changed in the bathroom after Emma. They both got under the covers and turned off the lights.
"Good night Jenna."
"Good night Emma." They were both sleeping peacefully and moving in their sleep. Jenna turned around, still sleeping, facing Emma as Jenna wrapped her arms around Emma. Jenna was still sleeping, but she could feel the warmth of her.
Emma woke up at around 7am to the sunlight slightly hitting her. She saw Jenna still asleep in her arms. She was admiring at how beautiful she looked at the sight of her. Her lips looked so soft, her cheeks were rosy pink, and how she looked in her arms. Emma had this feeling of wanting to always protect her and nurture her. They've only known each other for a day, but she felt so attached to her already, and Jenna felt the same.
Jenna woke up in Emma's arms at 8am.
"Hey lovely." Emma said softly. Jenna smiled at the nickname she gave her.
"Hey love." Jenna said smiling while her eyes were squinting.
"Your eyes are so cute." Emma said with a smile. Jenna buried her face in Emma's warm neck. Emma put her hand on top of Jenna's head, stroking her soft, silky hair. Jenna looked up at Emma.
"Do I have something on my face...?" Emma said.
"No. I like admiring you." Jenna said. Jenna held her closer to her, wanting to feel her skin on her. They both closed their eyes with their foreheads together.
"I'll go make you some breakfast okay?" Emma said sweetly.
"I'll make it with you. But I need to go to the bathroom first." Jenna said in her sleepy voice. Jenna got out of the bathroom ready to go downstairs with Emma.
"You look cute in my clothes." Emma said. Jenna blushed a bright red.
"Aw. Is someone blushing?" Emma said. She walked over to Jenna, hugging her tightly and lovingly. They both had strong feelings for each other but were too afraid to tell one another. Emma was cracking eggs on the pan, when Jenna came up behind her.
"You're great at cooking love." Jenna said, resting her shoulder on Emma. She stayed there in her presence, smelling her perfume on her.
"Alright, breakfast is done." Emma said giving her the plate.
"This looks wonderful. Who taught you how to cook?" Jenna asked.
"My mom did. She wanted me to be independent when I was older. She was my hero." Emma said.
"Was...?" Jenna questioned.
"Yeah. She passed a year ago. She was my everything. My dad was out of the picture." Emma said sadly. Emma looked like she was about to cry.
"Well, I'll tell you one thing. I know she's very proud of the woman you have become." Jenna said. Emma looked up from her plate making eye contact with Jenna. Her eyes were watering, trying to hold back the tears. Jenna got up from the table, walking towards Emma. She grabbed her hands and lifted her up.
"It's okay. I will always be here for you Emma." Jenna said. Jenna pulled her into a hug. Emma was crying on her shoulder as Jenna rubbed her back. Emma looked up at Jenna with innocent eyes. Jenna kissed her cheek. She didn't know why but it was an instinct that kicked in. Emma looked at her surprised, but happy.
"I-I'm sorry." Jenna said.
"No, it's okay." Emma said. She also kissed her cheek, very close to her lips. Jenna felt the butterflies again. She wished she could replay that moment again.
"I wish I could stay longer, but I have to go to work in an hour." Jenna said sadly.
"Ya no problem. Maybe you could come over whenever you're not busy." Emma said.
"Oh I'll be back for sure. I can come over anytime you're not busy. I'm off later today." Jenna said.
"I'll be here." Emma said. She walked Jenna out the door and gave her a ride to her work place.
"I really loved having you over Jenna. You're so amazing to be around." Emma said.
"I loved being with you. You're the most genuine person I've talked to." Jenna said with a big smile.
"I'll see you later today." Jenna said. Emma drove off, thinking about how Jenna kissed her head, and how she kissed her close to her lips. They were both falling deep for each other.

A Jenna Ortega and Emma Myers Love Story Where stories live. Discover now