Tell Me You Love Me Part 2

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The next day, Jenna and Emma both decided to go walk around a park where no one would find them. Emma went to go pick Jenna up at her house. When Jenna walked out the door, all Emma could do was stare at her. She was gorgeous. Everyday she looked stunning. Jenna got into her car and greeted Emma.
"Eyes up here." Jenna said with a smirk.
"Oh-uh-sorry." Emma said nervously. Jenna giggled.
They were at the park and started taking laps around the perimeter.
"This is so peaceful." Jenna signed. Emma slowly held Jenna's hand in her's. They were both blushing. They sat on a bench, admiring the sky. Jenna texted her head on Emma's shoulder as she closed her eyes. Emma softly stroked Jenna's hair, admiring her face. She looked so beautiful even when she was sleeping. Jenna slowly opened her eyes, looking up at Emma. Jenna grabbed the side of Emma's face with one hand.
"Thank you for taking me here." Jenna whispered softly in Emma's ear.
"Anything for you." Emma whispered back. They both got up from the bench and took a few more laps around. They were heading back home when all of a sudden, a group of fans ran up to them. They starters harassing Jenna, asking questions and invading her space. One of the guys grabbed Jenna's arm and tried to yank her away.
"What the hell, get off of her!" Emma yelled. She punched the guy in the jaw as he stumbled back. The rest of the fans were shocked. They went over to help the guy. His jaw was bleeding. Emma and Jenna both got in their car and drove to Jenna's house.
"Emma, your knuckles." Jenna said.
"I know. It'll heal." Emma said.
"I need to get you cleaned up at home." Jenna said.
Jenna opened the door as fast as she could and let Emma in. She quickly led them both upstairs to her room, closing the door behind them. She grabbed some ointment and some bandaids. Jenna said Emma on her bed and focused on Emma's hand. Emma could feel Jenna's hot breath on her. She was so focused.
"Thank you for protecting me. I'm sorry you got hurt because of me." Jenna said sadly.
"No Jenna. I needed to do that. I need to protect you at all times." Emma said. Jenna put both of her hands on Emma's shoulders. She moved them to her warm neck. Emma held Jenna's waist with both of her hands. Emma moved her closer to her. They could feel each other's breaths.
"I really like you Emma. Like a lot." Jenna admitted.
"I adore you Jenna." Emma said. They were both lost in each other's eyes. Jenna moved herself to straddle Emma. She put her hands on the head bored behind Emma. Jenna lightly placed her lips on Emma's neck. Emma let out a light groan. Jenna started moving against Emma, turning her on. Jenna gently grabbed Emma's neck and kissed her lips. They both pulled away and looked at each other smiling.
"I've been wanting to do that for so long." Jenna said.
"Me too." Emma said smiling.

A Jenna Ortega and Emma Myers Love Story Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant