Hallucinate Part 2 (Mature)

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Emma's POV: Today was birthday. Jenna has left early in the morning to go back home. She left me a not on my bed. It read:
Good morning my lovely, I'm leaving as I'm writing you this note. Don't worry I'll be back tonight at around 8pm. Happy birthday beautiful. - Jenna

I love the nicknames she calls me. I get stars in my eyes when I see her. It was around 8am and I decided to get ready to see my family. They drove down to see me and they booked a hotel, so we're going to go swimming there. After that, we're going out to eat and go to the bar. Then Jenna is coming over tonight and we'll see what we do from there. I got dressed and wore my bikini suit for the pool and put a long shirt over it. I got my bag with me and drove to the hotel.


I greeted my family and they were all excited to see me. I haven't seen them in a while and I missed this feeling with them. We walked over to the pool and enjoyed our time. I took some pictures of me in my bikini for one person, and one person only. I took a lot of them and posted them on my insta account hoping Jenna would see them. I got back in the pool and relaxed a bit more.


It's been about three hours since we've been at the pool. I was getting pretty hungry already. We all got out of the pool and I showered at the hotel. I brought my dress and everything I needed to go out for dinner. I wore a black dress, nothing too extra but it was a little revealing, which I liked. I did my hair and makeup that took a while. My family was getting ready as well, so I had a lot of time.

It was now 6pm, all of us we ready to go eat dinner. I drove us there, it was about a 15 minutes drive. We sat down and we're waiting to order. As time passed I kept thinking about Jenna. I wonder if she saw the photos I posted?

Jenna's POV: She looks so hot in those photos. I immediately liked her post and stared at every picture. Her body was nicely toned and muscular. Her comments were full of compliments and a few weird ones here and there. I keep seeing these other comments saying "Waiting for Jenna's comment." I don't comment on every post, but I love to flirt with her once in a while. After giving it some thought, I decided to leave her a little flirty comment saying "Been thinking about you AM to PM so I decided to DM." My heart was pounding so hard I could feel it in my head. I just couldn't bring myself to look away from her, she's magnificent. What if she thinks I'm weird? What if she feels uncomfortable? I have too many thoughts. I decided to leave my phone on my bed and go for a walk. I'm seeing her in less than two hours. I planned my outfit and the gift. I got her a huge teddy bear, a chocolate cake I made, a new pair of shoes she's been wanting, and a diamond necklace with her initial on it. I paid good money for that necklace, I hope she likes it. I spent quite a bit on her, but I don't care, she's priceless and she deserves it. I even made a playlist for her on Spotify. All the songs that remind me of her and my feelings towards her.


Emma's POV: We finished eating and my family paid the bill. I realized I haven't checked my phone in a while. I grabbed it and looked at the Home Screen to see that Jenna commented on my post. My heart jumped and I immediately opened it. I love her flirty pickup lines. It kind of turned me on. If I'm being honest, anything she does towards me turns me on, especially when we're alone. I respond by saying "I hallucinate when you call my name." I start thinking about how she would look in a bikini like mine. The feeling of her on top of me made me tense up. I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination. I started thinking when I put my knee between her legs. Her soft moan wanted me to continue what I was doing. I felt myself getting wet again. I snapped out of my thoughts quickly.
"Hey Emma, you seek quiet, are you okay?" My sister asked. Oh shit, I've been spaced out this whole time.
"Yeah yeah I'm good. We should go to the bar before it gets too late." I said.
"We have a lot of time Ems." My mom said.
"I mean, we can go to the bar right now if Emma wants to." My dad said. We all agreed and exited the restaurant. I was cutting the time a little short. It was now 7pm, I don't want Jenna to be waiting for me.

A Jenna Ortega and Emma Myers Love Story Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang